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About Me

Myspace Layouts and SO much more from! ♥
I am from 96, South Carolina! That should say enough... but if you need more, I met my husband at Lander. We dated for 5 years while I went to North Greenville College and he attended South Eastern Seminary. We were wed on Aug. 14, 2004, during Hurricane Charley in an outdoor wedding. Although Charley was 5 hours away, he still made himself known. Our guests got wet and were cold, our honeymoon night was spent in Abbeville because the beaches were evacutated for a day, but it was wonderful and we have a great life together now. He pays for everything while I am STILL in school. I graduate Dec. 2007!I work part time at a tiny service station/automotive repair shop doing bookkeeping. He works at Gunnel's Marine, a boat place, and is a Youth Minister at New Market Baptist. Take the quiz:
What Is Your Movie Kiss?

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones
Your movie kiss is Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
About Me
Name Carrie
Nickname I am not important enough for a nickname
Birthday April 18, 1082
Age 24
Height 5'8"
Hair Color brown
Eye Color green/brown
Have You Ever
Fallen for your besfriend yes
Kissed someone who was just your friend no
Been rejected of course not! ;-)
Been in love umm, maybe
Used someone unfortunately
Cheated on someone no
Been cheated on yes
Done something you regret of course, haven't we all
Do you ...
Color your hair I have had highlights
Have tattos no, I want a hot pink heart with glitter
If so how many
Have any peircings a belly ring
If so how many
Have a bf/gf nope, i've got Preston
Like thunderstorms TERRIFIED of them!
Ever get off the damn computer yes
Have you/Do you have...
Considered a life of crime yes
Considered being a hooker nope
Coneidered being a pimp I am a pimp, fool!
Split personalities no, Preston might say yes to this one for me.
Obsessions Preston might be able to answer this one too.
Panic Ask Preston about getting lost on Gumdrop trail.
Anxiety s/a
Depression/Considered suicid a lifetime ago
Right now..
Current clothes getting ready to go to church
Current mood it's morning. I don't do moods in the morning.
Current hair ugly.
Current music BASS (that song that says give me some of that B-a-s-s, i don't know who sings it, I forgot right now.
Current annoyance There's a dog in my lap trying to eat my muffin.
Current perfume/cologne abercrombie
Current thing you should be doing reading my Sunday School lesson
Current crush The Donald
Drink Tropicana Lemonade
Color Pink
Candy Ribbon Candy
Tv Show House, The Apprentice, COPS, Medium
Movie The Wizard of Oz
Place Flatrock, NC, The Wrinkled Egg
Person to talk to Your Mama
Do your perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King McDonald's. Don't really like either, would rather Chick-fil-a
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend I got both.
Root Beer or Dr Pepper Gross.
Sunshine or Rain Sunshine
Spring or Fall Spring, everything blooms so pretty (if I don't kill it first)
Winter or Summer Summer, It's time to go to the lake. I hate to be cold anyway
Vanilla or Chocolate Chocolate
Snowboarding or Sking Sking
Lights on or Off ON!!!!! (I am afraid of the dark)
Are you...
Understanding Nope.
Open Minded Nope.
Bad Tempered Yep.
Happy Nope.
Bored Easily Yep.
Sad Nope.
Unique Nope.
What do you like in a Girl/ Boy Yep.
Eyes Nope.
Hair color Nope.
Long or short hair Yep.
Hieght Nope.
Body Type Yep.
Personality Yep.
How would you describe yourself I would want to be my friend
Do you have any Pets? no, I have a child. Her name is Pursy.
Have any syblings? one, in 6th grade
What do you want to be when you grow up? an astronaut
Do you wanna get married and have kids? No.
What is your best physical Trait? my smile
What is the best thing about your personality? I am nice.
What words do you overuse Preston, Pres, Come kill this spider, Pursy No!
Whats the most annoying thing about you I make mouth noises when I sleep. (so says Preston)
End this survey with a quote Everyone should have a dog.