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Chad M. Clements

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About Me

Yo yo yo, this is Chad M. Clements. Currently but hopefully not for much longer, I am attending Mineral Area College in hopes of graduating in May 2008 and can not freakin wait! After that I am outta here and headed off to what I hope to call home one day, Springfield. I plan on attending Missouri State University pursing a Secondary Education degree in Business(teaching computers). So a little more about me. I am crazy. I am usually always on the go because I hate to just sit around. I am a poporotzzi. I love to take pictures, that is my all time favorite hobby. I work at JCPenneys in farmtown, it is awesome we have a lot of fun there! I love to just drive around with all of my friends. We do that alot, just like to waste gas I guess! I would live in the city if I could. It fits me to a T. I like to always have something to do. Food, I love it. I would die with out it. Seriously I eat out all the time, my mom dosen't cook. You name the place I probably have eaten there and could tell you all about it. I love to just have fun, that is my goal for this year. To have as much have as humanly possible. I am the the father of the group because I am just their to socialize and watch over everyone. I guess that is why I have become known as the Dr. Phil of the group. I like to give people advise and my words of wisdom becuase I am always right and that is just how it is! So some things I love are, Tropical Snow(Medium Cherry with extra juice!), JC's Custard Ice Cream, Chicken Parmisian from anywhere, Nike Shoxs, American Eagle, Auntie Anns pretzals, Taking pictures(I usually always have a camera in my hands), Myspace - I am totally addicated, light up toys - I have a collection of them in my car, creating things on the computer - I can create anything, Wild Berry Skittles, and tons of more things. I absolutly hate, people who lie, people who ignore phone calls on their cell phones, clutter, screamo music, being alone, writting essays, not having clean clothes, rude and annoying customers at JCPenney, people who return things, and more I just can't think.So know you can say you know a little more about me!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: I think about 6 foot tall!
Favorite Color:: Orange For Sure
Screen Name:: Chad M. Clements
Favorite Band:: Don't Have One - I like alot of different kinds of music!
Favorite Movie:: As Of Right Now - Surfs Up! I just saw it!
Favorite Show:: CSI Las Vegas - All the other ones suck!
Your Car:: 2000 Ford Explorer - It gets me around, sometimes!
Your Hometown:: Park Hills
Your Present Town:: Farmington/Park Hills
Your Crushes First Name:: Wouldn't You Like To Know!
Your Grade:: College Student - I Believe I Am Considered A Sophomore In College
Your Style:: Causal Comfort/Whatever Looks Good On Me!
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Nope, never have,
Kissed someone in the rain?: Nope
Danced in a public place?: Heck Yes! I Can Get Jiggy With It!
Smiled for no reason?: Of Course, Smiling Puts You In A Better Mood!
Laughed so hard you cried?: Oh Ya, All The Time.
Peed your pants after age 8?: I Am Sure I Have.
Written a song?: Nope, I am not that creavtive!
Sang to someone for no reason?: Heck Ya, If You Are Riding With Me, I Prolly Will SIng To You. Not That It Is Good!
Performed on a stage?: Yes, I Think I Do Pretty Well On Stage!
Talked to someone you don't know?: Ya, Thats How You Make New Friends!
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yes, Too Many Times. I Am A Push Over!
Made out in a theatre?: Nope
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Fat Man On Roller Skates Dosen't Work!
Been in love?: No, Sure Haven't Been!
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Josie On The Telephone.
Tell you, I love you?: Prolly Jessica Lawson, We Always Tell Each Other That!
Kiss you?: My Grandma, Such A Sweatheart!
Hug you?: My Grandma As Well!
Tell you BYE?: Josie, She Is Leaving For The Lake!
Write you a note?: Jessica Davis, On A Graduation Picture Frame!
Take your photo?: Me, Myself and I! I Had My Own Little Photoshot In My Car On The Way Home From The City The Other Day!
Call your cell phone?: Josie, Something About A MAC Question.
Buy you something?: Michael, He Bought My Seal Lion Show Ticket For Me At The Zoo. I Don't Carry Cash With Me!
Go with you to the movies?: Josie and Mike. We Saw Surf's Up. Which Is An Awesome Movie!
Sing to you?: Tiffany and Her Umbrella!
Write a poem about you?: Um... I Don't Think Anyone Ever Has!
Text message you?: Ms. Kayla Halbert!
Touch you?: No One, I Don't Like To Be Touched!
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Today At School, While Working On The Yearbook.
Time you cried?: I Don't Know It Has Been A Long Time!
Movie you watched?: Surf's Up!
Joke you told?: I Am Not Good At Telling Jokes!
Song you've sang?: Rihannon's Umbrella Song!
Time you've looked at the clock?: Right Now - 4:30 P.M.
Drink you've had?: Orange Soda - From McDonalds
Number you've dialed?: My Father!
Book you've read?: The Firm By Some John Guy!
Food you've eaten?: Domino's Pizza And Chicken Kickers
Flavor of gum chewed?: Orbit Orange Flavor
Shoes you've worn?: My Nike Shocks Always!
Store you've been in?: Old Navy
Thing you've said?: Um... I Don't Want To Go To Work!
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Nope - Righty Only
Whistle?: Sure Can
Blow a bubble?: Heck Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Nope
Cross your eyes?: Oh Ya!
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Nope
Dance?: Well Ya!
Gleek?: Nope
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Heck No - Big Guy Needs His Sleep!
Speak a different language?: Kinda Somewhat - Spanish, But Then Again I Also Got A D In The Class!
Impersonate someone?: Nope, Only Myself!
Prank call people?: Ya, But I End Up Laughing!
Make a card pyramid?: Nope, Never Tried.
Cook anything?: Oh Ya, I Am The Next Top Chef!
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Camera, I would take pictuers all the time!
I wish ...: for a million dollars, because I can be a greedy man!
So many people don't know that ...: I love the races. I grow up there and I miss it alot!
I am ...: wanting to take some pictures right now! I haven't in a while and I am haveing withdrawes!
My heart is ...: in my body, I hope!
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Anything New And Hip And Cool. Ya Know Like Z1077 Baby It's The Best! Well, There Is A New Station Called The Movin 101.1 Its Pretty Rockin As Well!


Funny Funny Funny, has to be Funny!


Ya Know, The Cool Kid Channels. Like MTV, VH1, or Deffinitly CSI - Las Vegas Only(The Others Are No Good)


Well In My WHOOOOLE Life I Have Honestly Only Read 2 Books. The Firm and Eat Fried Worms. Both Totally Different but Extreamly Interesting!


My Grandma, I Don't Know What I Would Do With Out Her! As Well As My Sister, She Keeps Me In Line!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Chad
Middle name?:: Michael
Like your name?:: Clements
Named after anyone?:: First name no, middle name my father!
Any nicknames?:: Chadly, Chadboy, Dr. Phil, Papi
Age?:: 18 Soon to be 19!
Birthdate?:: July 25, 1988
Birthplace?:: Farmington
Time you were born?:: 7:40 A.M.
Current location?:: Farmington/Park Hills
Height?:: 6 Foot
Like your height?:: Yes I Do!
Eye color?:: Brown
Contacts/glasses?:: Nope Not Yet!
Hair color?:: Brown usually, unless there is something special happening. Then I add some color gell to it!
Natural hair color?:: Brown
Dye your hair often?:: Nope
Righty or lefty?:: Righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Everything - I Like It, Except Screamo!
Band or singer?:: No particular one favorite!
TV show?:: CSI Las Vegas - All the other ones suck!
Movie?:: Surf's Up - New and Awesome
TV channel?:: MTV
Radio station?:: Z1077
Place to be?:: St. Louis - I just love it there!
Thing to do?:: Take Pictures
Food?:: Chinese - Chicken Lo Mein!
Non alcoholic drink?:: Fruit Punch
Alcoholic drink?:: Amallrillo Sour!
Animal?:: Giraffe
Holiday?:: 4th of July
Season?:: Winter
Sport?:: Watching Basketball
Place to shop?:: American Eagle
Clothing brand?:: American Eagle
Scent?:: Wild Berry Caar Air Freshiner
Restaurant?:: Olive Garden
Fruit?:: Apple
Vegetable?:: Potato
Fast food restaurant?:: Jack N' The Box
Pizza topping?:: Meat Lovers
Ice cream flavor?:: Vanilla
Magazine?:: Popular Photographer - No Joke!
City?:: Springfield Missouri - I just love it down there!
Color?:: Orange
Number?:: 7
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: Vanilla
Pepsi or coke?:: Coke its self is better - but Pepsi products rock!
Hot or cold?:: Cold - you can always add clothes, you can't always take them off!
Black or white?:: Black - I've gots a emo side to me!
Dog or cat?:: Dog
French toast or pancakes?:: Pancakes
French fries or onion rings?:: French Fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: Hamburger
Pepperoni or sausage?:: Pepperoni
Britney or Christina?:: Brintey
McDonalds or Burger King?:: McDonalds
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Eminem
Canada or Mexico?:: Mexico
Hug or kiss?:: Hug
Movies or TV?:: TV
Truth or dare?:: Truth
Do you...
Shower daily?:: Heck Yes - You Nasty!
Sing in the shower?:: Sometimes
Like to sing?:: In the car yes - in public no!
Like to dance?:: Sometimes
Smoke?:: Heck No - Lung Cancer
Drink?:: Nope
Cuss?:: Only When I Am Mad!
Talk to yourself?:: All the time!
Believe in yourself?:: You have to, to succeed in life!
Play an instrument?:: No musically ability in my entire body!
Go to school?:: Yes College
Go to college?:: Yes MAC! Yea!
Have a job?:: Yep - JCPenney
Like your job?:: Ya I Do!
Want to get married?:: Someday Yes I Do and I Have Thought About That A Lot Lately!
Want to have kids?:: Yes - Lots
Get along with your parents?:: Yep Sure Do!
Get along with your siblings?:: Yes - She is my other mother!
Drive?:: Yep - 2000 Ford Explorer - She is a beast!
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Yes I Do!
Think your funny?:: Sometimes!
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: Oh ya - I love to TP people!
Gone garbage can tipping?:: Nope never have!
What are your parents names?:: Dana Clements and Michael Clements
Siblings names?:: Full Sister Emily Miles, Half Sisters Molly and Susan Clements and Step Sisters Clarissa and Carly Hamby.
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: Yes I do!
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: Usually just 1!
Collect anything?:: Pictures
Ever been in love?:: Nope
In love right now?:: Nope - well... !
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: Wouldn't you like to know!
How does your hair look?:: Messy - getting ready to shower!
Ever had your heartbroken?:: Nope
Ever broken the law?:: Oh ya - plenty of times!
Been arrested?:: Nope
Been out of the country?:: Nope
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: Never tried!
When was the last time you got drunk?:: Never!
Do you do drugs?:: Heck No - I Am A Good Kid!
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: Uh... Never!
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: On at all times!
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: No - I like the way I look!
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: Boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: Love It!
Ever had a bloody nose?:: All the time!
Have you ever caught a fish?:: Nope - Fishing is boring!
What was the last thing you ate?:: Wild Bery Skittles
What time do you go to bed?:: Late never early!
What's your favorite color?:: Orange
Do you like to give or recieve?::
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: I am obsessed with alot of thing!
Do you live alone?:: Nope at home with my moma!
Do you own a blender?:: I am sure my mother does!
Do you like the snow?:: Love It! Espessialy Driving In It!
Ever been up a mountain?:: Nope just a chat dump!
Ever been rootin'?::
Do you like surprises?:: Ya I Love To Be Surprised!
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My Blog

What Does Your Name Really Mean!

A: Hard to forgetB: like people.C: Is wild and crazy.D: Has one of the best personalities ever!E: a DAMN GOOD KISSERF: peple adore youG: Never let people tell you what to do.H: really sillyI: one of t...
Posted by Chad M. Clements on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 03:06:00 PST

Ask Yourself These Questions!

Question 1:If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abor...
Posted by Chad M. Clements on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 05:15:00 PST

Birthday Months - These Are Very True!

What does your birth month mean... JANUARY=GORGEOUSDrop dead gorgeous!!!Attractive personality.Very! sexy.Affectionate & Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.Chatterbox! Loves to ...
Posted by Chad M. Clements on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 01:16:00 PST

18 Years Of My Life!

18 Outstanding Years! But There Is More To Come! Well today is my 18th birthday. It really dosent feel any different but i know it will. . I could be drafted into the army(Thats scary), buy lottery ti...
Posted by Chad M. Clements on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 08:52:00 PST