In it so much! Also going out and meeting new people!
Anyone who is nice!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Good music that gives me a vibe for Drama performances and boogie! Part-ay! Im really into some dance music when i am in a good mood! Otherwise i like just about everything i guess!
Loving and happy! Bridget jones.....Erin Brockavich....etc etc
em....well i like corrie and emmerdale....(its got good) and my fav drama is life beggins....hilorous!
Well i dont have many books which I like....Harry and the willows
Mark if you know of any or you are one....request me as a friend!
Personal Info
Name:: Carol Ann
Age:: 19
Date of birth:: 28/04/1987
Birthplace:: UK
Currently Situated:: In my room!
University/College:: Wolverhampton uni
Height:: 5"5
Body build:: Medium
Eye Colour:: Brown/red/green....Hazel!
Hair Colour:: Naturally light brown! Have blonde highlights!
Fav Colour:: Got to be purple!
Fav Band:: I have at mo sisscor sisters
Fav Song:: Olive: Your not alone
Fav Movie:: Bridget jones: edge of reason
Fav TV Show:: This Morning!
Fav Food:: My fav meal is a sunday roast! Cant beat that!
Fav Drink:: Coke! with a spash of barcadi!
Fav Word:: wikido
Fav Animal:: Dog!
Love and Friendship
Best Friend:: Was at home..laura and uni..ting
Are you dating someone?:: nooooo
How did you meet them?:: uni/school etc
Are you in love?:: Yes with Colin Firth!
How would you describe love?:: Affectionate, kind, generous, someone who treats you good!
Any advice for those looking for love?:: No
Random Nonsence
Dog or Cat:: Dog!
Love or Money:: Money and love! But i guess love is more important!
Meat or Veg:: Veg
Day or Night:: Night!
Sex or chocolate:: I think chocolate!
Last Person ...
You Hugged:: My friend lisa
You Kissed:: Random person when out!
You told I Love you:: My dog!
Who broke your heart:: Boyfriend - Ronnie
You talked to on the phone:: Julie
Have you ever ...
Broken someones heart?:: No
Had your heart broken?:: Yes
Been cheated on?:: No
Taken drugs?:: No
Lyed to someone:: Yes....only to protect them from getting hurt!
Number of ...
Piercings you have:: One in each ear! lol!
Tattoos you have:: None
Pets you own:: 2
DVD's you own:: Dunno.....too many!
CD's you own:: Lost count!
Achievement:: Been me!
Memory:: Holiday
Regret:: Buying a car!