*Carol-Ann* profile picture


Come get some....ya know ya wanna.....

About Me

New years resoulution: Smile more, smoke less, eat less and stay in less! Woo....im 19 again! not 58! lol Hello.....Im Carol-Ann, or other nicknames im known for are caz and CA. Well im 19, i am 5"5, i have hazel eyes and blonde in my brown hair! I am studying Drama at uni and love it! Everyone is fab there! I am a confident, happy person who wants to offer so much!!! After i finish my studies i am going to travel for a year and then hopefully go into teaching! Anyway Hardwork + ability = success, so betta do some work! Love ya xxxx..

My Interests

In drama.....love it so much! Also going out and meeting new people!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is nice!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


Good music that gives me a vibe for Drama performances and boogie! Part-ay! Im really into some dance music when i am in a good mood! Otherwise i like just about everything i guess!


Loving and happy! Bridget jones.....Erin Brockavich....etc etc


em....well i like corrie and emmerdale....(its got good) and my fav drama is life beggins....hilorous!


Well i dont have many books which I like....Harry Potter...Odeipus....lol.....Wind and the willows


Mark Darcy....so if you know of any or you are one....request me as a friend!
Personal Info
Name:: Carol Ann
Age:: 19
Date of birth:: 28/04/1987
Birthplace:: UK
Currently Situated:: In my room!
University/College:: Wolverhampton uni
Height:: 5"5
Body build:: Medium
Eye Colour:: Brown/red/green....Hazel!
Hair Colour:: Naturally light brown! Have blonde highlights!
Fav Colour:: Got to be purple!
Fav Band:: I have many....like at mo sisscor sisters
Fav Song:: Olive: Your not alone
Fav Movie:: Bridget jones: edge of reason
Fav TV Show:: This Morning!
Fav Food:: My fav meal is a sunday roast! Cant beat that!
Fav Drink:: Coke! with a spash of barcadi!
Fav Word:: wikido
Fav Animal:: Dog!
Love and Friendship
Best Friend:: Was Siobhan....now at home..laura and uni..ting
Are you dating someone?:: nooooo
How did you meet them?:: uni/school etc
Are you in love?:: Yes with Colin Firth!
How would you describe love?:: Affectionate, kind, generous, someone who treats you good!
Any advice for those looking for love?:: No
Random Nonsence
Dog or Cat:: Dog!
Love or Money:: Money and love! But i guess love is more important!
Meat or Veg:: Veg
Day or Night:: Night!
Sex or chocolate:: I think chocolate!
Last Person ...
You Hugged:: My friend lisa
You Kissed:: Random person when out!
You told I Love you:: My dog!
Who broke your heart:: Boyfriend - Ronnie
You talked to on the phone:: Julie
Have you ever ...
Broken someones heart?:: No
Had your heart broken?:: Yes
Been cheated on?:: No
Taken drugs?:: No
Lyed to someone:: Yes....only to protect them from getting hurt!
Number of ...
Piercings you have:: One in each ear! lol!
Tattoos you have:: None
Pets you own:: 2
DVD's you own:: Dunno.....too many!
CD's you own:: Lost count!
Achievement:: Been me!
Memory:: Holiday
Regret:: Buying a car!

My Blog

For those interested in physical theatre and would like to read our online diary of our process

Below is a link to our university website.....It is our online diary of the process and performance module im studying at university. You will be able to read more information  however on the lin...
Posted by *Carol-Ann* on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:09:00 PST


My trip to the dentist! (based on true story) Today i went to the dentist! I nearly fainted as soon as i went in there! The sound of drills and paitents screaming made me feel all light headed! I went...
Posted by *Carol-Ann* on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:01:00 PST