Loului profile picture


Queen of the Pirate Troops

About Me

About me:
I like this page - t'is all pink and shiny.
Now, you may pronounce my name like "Lou Lou", because that is how it is intended.
And I am finally allowed to call myself a Student Nurse. It's so exciting! I've waited over a year for this experience, as if it were Christmas.
I am studying Children's Nursing at The University of Wolverhampton, and it's so much fun.
Nursing is one of the best experiences I have so far come across, except for Chris - of course.
Anyway, my favourite people are Chris, Joshua, Tasha and Squidge. They are fun people to be with, and they are better than most of you.
Chris is most loved for he is my rather cute and sexy, boyfriend-boy. I like to stroke his hair and tickle his chin. He has a nice fluffy bum and he is also good at producing Creme Eggs on demand.
Next is Joshua, my adorable little cousin. He inspired my decision to work in neonatal nursing, because he spent the first month of his life in a cardiac intensive care unit.
Tasha! We like to run around and poke each other, and make strange noises and sometimes we lie on the kitchen floor and dance. Or go on midnight walks with an Action Man.
Squidgybubble is also much fun. She is good to cuddle and is very knowledgeable.
I am quite odd really, but maybe normal.
I'm addicted to chocolate, and I like Charmed muchly.
I also enjoy stretching myself into twisty yoga and I'd like a pet fish called Ryan; short for Tyrannosaurus Rex. I also want an African tree frog. They're lime green with orange hands and some have red eyes. I also think they're poisonous, but if anyone knows where I can get one.. just tell me? I think I saw one in Hollybush once, but I couldn't afford it on the day. I get paid well these days though.
As well as all this, it must be mentioned that I don't like spiders, I don't like water on my face and I don't enjoy open spaces or large groups of people at all. I like to hide in corners.
I also like to consider myself Wiccan. But no, I will not make the girl you met last week in the pub fall in love with you.
I like to watch rain. Not pansy drizzle stuff, but real raging weather. It makes me feel more spiritual.
I also like to do other spiritual things, like lie on my bed, in candle-light, and listen to my Tranquility CD, or do a full yoga session, with relaxation and Sanskrit prayer.
I am Queen of the Pirate Troops, so there.
The colour pink also deserves a mention here. It is a good colour and I like it when I am wearing pink socks.
You are all dismissed now... and some stuff.

My Interests

I like Chris and small children and bendy-flexy yoga.

And the animal on my contact table is a Chinese hamster. I also want one of those. But after 4 hamsters and 2 gerbils, I'm rather fed up of rodents; always scratching away at something. Noisy devils.

I'd like to meet:

This is my brother..

I'd like a squishy baby alien, please.


I like dancing to myself, and with people who appreciate it.


My favourite is Jimmy Neutron, but I'm not sure why. I also like it when musicals are made into films and I like psychological horror stuff.


LivingTV is great. It plays Charmed, CSI, Missing and Joan of Arcadia. I also like to watch X-Files with my Chris.


I like to read about human biology. I also like to buy books on Magick and Wicca, but none I have read so far are any good. I may be forced to write my own.


The inventor of socks. Socks are great. They fit so perfectly and they are really pretty and they keep my toes warm. I love socks.

Chris is also my hero, because he refuses to die. And that is a good quality in a man. He also likes to collect compensation from the threats on his life, so he can buy me presents. Well done, my boy.
Lotsy love