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"Dive in2 the abyss of unconsciousness..it is there where you will find your deepest thoughts"/"There's a reason why I cried at birth & now smile at death"/"Opposites attract..so my pain is your pleasure"/"FEW are worth your tears & those who are will never purposely make you cry"/"Whoever said that life is short hasn't felt how long my days've become"/"Earth is heaven's basement.."/"Maybe I am a god - since nobody believes in me"/"Love=pain in the perfekt disguise"/"Purgatory is for the faithless"/"Stare in2 the eyes of a person B4 you judge them..& be prepared 2 die 4 a person B4 you love them"/"While you cannot choose the 1(s) you love you can, however, decide whether or not you wish 2 show them"/Edgar Allen Poe on Death:"there are 2 bodies: the rudimental & the complete; corresponding w/the 2 conditions of the worm & the butterfly. Whut we call 'death', is but the painful metamorphosis. Our present incarnation is PROGRESSIVE, PREPATORY,..TEMPORARY. Our future is PERFEKTED, ULTIMATE,..IMMORTAL. The ultimate life is the full design."
. . . . Wurd divine.