Rock 'n roll, jazz, wilderness, meditation, bikingcool shit as such.
A mysterious girl to go on adventures with. Someone with a different take on Carpe Diem.
jazz, rock 'n roll, some rap, a little bit of african and inidan stuff, latin jazz, funk, some blues stuff, classical.
The Warriors, The Last Samurai, Harold and Kumar, Half Baked, SLC Punks, TrainSpotting (although i was in a drug induced sleep while watching it) Jay and Silent Bob, Lepreachuan, Ray, South Park, Team America, Goldeneye, Mel Brooks shit is classic, Rocky Horror can be good when there aren't so many posers in the theatre, Woodstock, Don't Look Back, Stand by Me, Farenheit 911, Bowling For Columbine, Roger and Me, Waco: Rules of Engagement, The Original '60s Batman (which I watched 5 times the first day I got it when i was a little kid) and other good shit...Most mainstream movies are so fucking predictable.
South Park, Chapelle's show, Daily Show (Although, after the Colbert Report, the quality of both shows rapidly decreased), reno 911, simpsons, family guy, Sci-Fi channel original movies, public access shit, and i also listen to Public Radio and XM.
Aldous Huxley is my favorite author. My current favorite book is Island. I also dig 1984, J. D. Salinger, Tobias Wolfe, Lies My Teacher Told Me, A People's History of The United States, Siddartha, Life Of Pi, Animal Farm, moby dick, ralph waldo emmerson,
sly stone, hendrix, miles, and of course....ol' dirty bastard