We Insist ! profile picture

We Insist !

Corruptible rec. / Exile on Mainstream / Southern

About Me

Here it is, at long last. Recorded by Peter Deimel (The Kills, Chokebore, the Thugs) at Blackbox Studios, mixed by d2r2.off (Eon MegaHerts, Ltno) - We Insist's most faithful sidekick – and mastered by Jean-Pierre Chalbos at La Source, Oh, Things Are So Corruptible is ready to be released.It was high time. All 12 new tracks have been around for more than two years, gaining more power, subtlety, cohesion and energy every time they were being performed on stage. That is always the way with We Insist!: their music is created and played live on stage before being recorded, the quality of their live performances equalling that of their song writing. Their new record offering was therefore bound to echo their live performances: filled with movement, density, subtlety and freedom.Suffice it to say, it was worth the wait. Inner Pond (2002) was a quest for identity. Crude (2004) confirmed this identity, in the form of a compact and non-compromising album. Oh, Things Are So Corruptible confirms a strong personality but also a willingness to take on new influences. In order to go beyond the thickness of Crude, We Insist! had to instil exuberance and warmth into their music. And that is exactly what they have achieved with their new release. We Insist! are arguably scrutinizing the rock scene with the utmost care. They are always keen on being influenced by other bands, from whichever end of the rock spectrum: they try such influences out on themselves and see whether they fit or not. OOTSA, Tool, Shellac, At the Drive-in, Primus: you will find their traces in Oh, Things Are So Corruptible. But, most importantly, you will travel in a moon-like, weird and psychotic landscape, with maybe even a David Lynch dimension to it, and will walk through blurry and dazzling tracks. Make no mistake about it, Oh, Things Are So Corruptible is a We Insist! album.In order to assert its maturity, independence and celebrate a decade of existence, the band just created its own label, Corruptible Records. But being mature does not necessarily mean being old. And for those of you who might think otherwise, Oh, Things Are So Corruptible is the definitive answer. Only a few bands display such an amazing amount of freshness, creativity and ambition, even on the other side of the Atlantic.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/21/2006
Band Website: weinsist.com
Band Members: Drums & lead vocals : Etienne Gaillochet - Bass : Julien Allanic - Guitar & backing vocals : Eric Martin - Guitar & backing vocals : Julien Divisia - Saxs : François Wong - Saxs : Cyrille Mechin
Influences: At the Drive-In, Victims Family, No Means No, Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa, John Zorn, Primus, Tool, Sonic Youth, Johnny Cash, The Mars Volta, Kyuss, Mark Lanegan, Faraquet, Magma, Bill Frisell, Beastie Boys, Fugazi, The Melvins, The Police, 31 Knots, Don Caballero, Lounge Lizards, Alice Cooper, King Crimson, Talking Heads, Jeff Beck, Isis, Dead Kennedys, The Cure, Mr Bungle, Polly Jean Harvey, Tom Waits....

Photo : Anto- ou Brlu
(Passagers du Zinc Mars07)
Sounds Like: Probably something that you already know...
Record Label: Exile on Mainstream / Southern records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Two month after Blisstrain. have we really revorvered ?

It took some time to recover from this German Tour. First week, first day in Esslingen, our first meeting with label mates Ingmar and Claus of Beehoover. First gig with the incredible home-made backli...
Posted by We Insist ! on Thu, 29 May 2008 08:43:00 PST

Deux mois après Blisstrain. Où en sommes nous ?

Il a fallu du temps pour se remettre de cette tournée allemande. Première semaine : rencontre avec Ingmar et Claus de Beehoover et avec le backline fait-maison qu'Andreas « Kanzler » Kohl « le C...
Posted by We Insist ! on Thu, 29 May 2008 08:35:00 PST

Exile on Mainstream ROADSHOW !!!!! a big rock family on the road

Andreas came up a few weeks with this idea :Several bands from "Exile on Maintream" (that I've already met at the Festival "South Of Mainstream" in septembrer near Berlin), will go on the road all tog...
Posted by We Insist ! on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 11:00:00 PST


We are particularly glad to announce that our latest album, Oh! Things Are so Corruptible, will be released in January 2008 by Exile on Mainstream, the Berlin-based label. The release will be under ...
Posted by We Insist ! on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 07:25:00 PST


Nous sommes particulièrement heureux d'annoncer que notre dernier album, Oh ! Things Are so Corruptible, sortira en janvier 2008 sur le label berlinois Exile on Mainstream.Cette sortie se fera sous li...
Posted by We Insist ! on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:49:00 PST


Oh! Things Are So Corruptible was released two months ago. Undoubtedly, these last few weeks have been most enthralling for us. This record must constitute a new step. Releasing it under the best p...
Posted by We Insist ! on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 06:47:00 PST


Voilà deux mois maintenant qu'est sorti Oh ! Things Are so Corruptible. Et ces dernières semaines ont sans doute été parmi les plus enthousiasmantes pour nous. Ce disque doit marquer une étape. Une pr...
Posted by We Insist ! on Tue, 29 May 2007 07:27:00 PST