I love Bingo, I love walking, and I love goofing around with Josie. We have so much fun together!
Bob Seger,Keifer Sutherland,Ryan Newman,Bruce Willis
I listen to Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band, Nirvana, Metallica, Black Crowes, Justin Timberlake, Boston, Styx, Journey...the list goes on, but many different genres. Get Free Custom Cursors at CursorPedia.com, YOUR Online Cursor Encyclopedia!!!
Armageddon, The Sound of Music, Dodgeball, 40 year old Virgin, Office Space, Old School
I don't really watch anything these days except Blue's Clues, Spongebob Squarepants, or anything with Elmo in it. My all time favorite show is 24, although it's only on from Jan.-May.
I highly suggest "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett..one of the best books I've ever read!
my daughter, my parents for sticking together for over 30 years, even when things really sucked, my grandma for fighting so hard for her life, even though the cancer was everywhere, my husband for fighting in the war and making it home alive, and our uncle Rob for fighting Lou Gehrig's disease and staying with us as long as he could. We love you Uncle Rob!!