Snow and Skate boarding, music, alcohol, chillin' and kicking a football at a wall. Wolud you believe it if I said flying model aeroplanes.. I hope not.. Sometimes the truth hurts though. Oh well.
Someone enlightened who knows some answers! Plus loads of mates that i've lost touch with from being too slack and every one i'm gonna meet on the way (unless there a nob!).
All sorts really DnB Dj Zinc, Andy C, Sub Focus, Pendulum etc.., aswel as stuff like the John Butler Trio, punk, hip hop and loads of old and new rock stuff. i think AC-DC warrant a mention on their own!
Mostly comedies n action films really. Its all gone pete tong was pretty good!! i also have to admit i quite like all the star wars and Kung Fu movies i.e Kill Bill.
Not too much. although Count down is always good! Oh ye and lost!
The Phillip Pulman Trilogy is definately worth a read, The Da Vinci code book is way better than the film. Plus Mr Nice i reckon.
My old hat that i lost mostly and Jet Li, Bruce Lee and that French Free runner that does all that crazy shit!!