Anyone who can make me laugh, keep up with me on the mountain, and beat me in poker. Also anyone looking for a great hairstylist!
Huge music freak. It's so hard to list all the bands that I love. I couldnt do it. But here is a small list:
Old school michael jackson, jason mraz, any obscure 80s music, rolling stones, augustana, strung out, taking back sunday, Buckcherry, head automatica, thursday, AFI, gym class heroes, concrete blonde, Ramones, panic at the disco, dave mathews, thrice, 311, Johnny Cash, snow patrol, Chevelle, the frey, bright eyes, nirvana, The Used, pearl jam, atmosphere, josh ritter, aberdien, sugarcult, STP, pennywise, OAR, jacks mannequin, revis, fall out boy, my chemical romance...
Love scary movies and horribly cheezy movies Recent movies: Juno Super Bad PS I Love you Atonement Knocked up
When I do watch tv i am usually addicted to any new reality tv show. Oh also I love nip/tuck and entourage
My favorite Authur is Chuck Palahniuk. I am currently reading the Eat Pray Love and Lullaby.
My little sister Taylor is an amazing young woman. She is smarter then most people twice her age.My grandmother who has survived breast cancer 3 times. If I could be half the woman she is I would be greatfull!