Hi Im Drug Addiction! If you have not met me already, I hope to be seeing you soon! My job is to get millions of innocent people hooked onto me. Dont you all wish you could have that as an occupation. My favorite thing to do is give you a sense of unattachment to reality, and I also like to slowly ruin your health and life. Sometimes, when Im extra bored, I even like to take the people that are addicted to me lives away. Overdose baby!!! So many people try to stop me but it is almost impossible for me to stay out of the lives of some people, they would go through any lengths to get some of me. People have gone to clinics and counseling to become "clean" of me and to get their life together, but many soon realize that Im the only thing that will truly "fix" their life. People have even made me a statistic! Did u know an estimated 19.5 million Americans over the age of 12 use illicit drugs. Im a really affective person, go me. If you would ever like to reach my I am usually in the pockets of drug dealers all over the world, but try to not make it too obviouse cuz many people are out to get me.
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