I am a cheerleader, but I'm not a whore or an airhead..
oh who am I kidding!
I think I am known as a drama nerd or something but I'm not sure and I don't really care!
I LOVE HANSON LIKE NO OTHER! I'm kinda like the song MMMBop... A happy, slightly annoying, uncomprehencible flash!
I heart randomness!
Everthing I say is somehow related to sex. For instance, did you know that if you peel lables off of beer bottles that it's a sign you are sexually frustrated.... iiiiinnnteresting!
So I totally don't get this html business... I'm a bit slow! I have someone else doing this for me.
I love dots.... see?! I love cooking too... I've cooked dinner for the past 3 days, although it's been chicken every night.
I have a sister who is two years younger and two inches taller. She is my best friend, I don't mean to sound like a cliche but she really is. ♥ She's been there for me through the worst of the worst times... like when I stopped talking to all my other friends. (that was a big misunderstanding and everything is good now! woot woot!)
I'm the kind of person who has to be the center of attention, but I won't go completely out of my way. I hate people who do that. I also hate people who try so hard to fit into a certain "group" and then say they are an individual and original. You want original? Wear your old dance costume to school with a big puffy skirt, or splatter seven different colours of house paint on a pair of jeans! ...Yeah thats right!
... i think i peed a little!