TONJA profile picture


feels just like we're dancing in the wind♥

About Me

I am a cheerleader, but I'm not a whore or an airhead..

oh who am I kidding!

I think I am known as a drama nerd or something but I'm not sure and I don't really care!
I LOVE HANSON LIKE NO OTHER! I'm kinda like the song MMMBop... A happy, slightly annoying, uncomprehencible flash!
I heart randomness!
Everthing I say is somehow related to sex. For instance, did you know that if you peel lables off of beer bottles that it's a sign you are sexually frustrated.... iiiiinnnteresting!
So I totally don't get this html business... I'm a bit slow! I have someone else doing this for me.
I love dots.... see?! I love cooking too... I've cooked dinner for the past 3 days, although it's been chicken every night.
I have a sister who is two years younger and two inches taller. She is my best friend, I don't mean to sound like a cliche but she really is. ♥ She's been there for me through the worst of the worst times... like when I stopped talking to all my other friends. (that was a big misunderstanding and everything is good now! woot woot!)
I'm the kind of person who has to be the center of attention, but I won't go completely out of my way. I hate people who do that. I also hate people who try so hard to fit into a certain "group" and then say they are an individual and original. You want original? Wear your old dance costume to school with a big puffy skirt, or splatter seven different colours of house paint on a pair of jeans! ...Yeah thats right!
... i think i peed a little!

My Interests

Hanson... Zac Hanson! shoes cheerleading acting rolling up peices of tape pink (the colour, not the singer... eeew!) fire the Food Network Jamie Oliver fun songs milk fruit red peppers posters collecting random things calenders pens

I'd like to meet:

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Some one else who likes Hanson, Cheerleading and shoes as much as I do!



"you don't have to take the whole penis into your mouth."

