You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?
Eyes full of Pain
Diamond Eyes
What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with
You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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You scored as Mermaid. Mermaid: Mermaids are also known as Sirens. These creatures were beautiful women who tricked sailors into becoming completely entranced by their haunting voices and found death soon after. Not all stories of Mermaids are about gentle loving sea people. They are mystical, magical, and extremely dangerous. They have a way about them that brings anyone they are around to seem enchanted. They are very mysterious creatures and to meet one... Would mean certain Death. Let the song of the Sea fill your soul, for you are a Mermaid.
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.comOh And apparently I'm a sex God!:) *Babe*
You scored as Sex God. You are a master at sex. You make your partner weak in the knees, and you know it. You've had the practice, and you've read the books, but don't get too cocky (pun intended) or you'll get put into place.
Sex God
A Romantic
A Slave To BDSM
How are you in bed
created with So.... If you still have the energy to figure me out here are a 100 things you need to know about me...This is Me! You wanna know... One year later and definatly NOT the same, You think you have me figured out, well you haven't known or seen NOTHING yet!!!...... Here's 100 things you should know about me. If you get to the bottow, you're amazing and I admire you!1. My Name is Crystal 2. 19 years of age 3. I'm creative 4. I’m VERY Picky 5. I am Very Impatient 6. I can be Really shy... or Very talkative 7. Straightedge 8. sXe 9. I Get bored easily 10. Love Smiling 11. Hate Crying 12. Love Laughing 13. The Little things hurt Me the Most 14. I listen when you talk... So listen back 15. I'm Cool as Phuk... When I want to Be {And NO I'm not conceited} 16. I'm Gangsta... NIGGA PLEASE!! ...haha! 17. I post The same Bulletin at Least 4X... Get Used to it! 18. If you don't like it... or me... Don't Add Me... or Just Delete Me {Don't Complain about it...Cuz I don't Care... I don't block} 19. I'm one of the most compassionate people you'll ever meet! 20. I always try to/and understand SO many things... I try and make sence out of everything I can! 21. I hate liars! I'm an honest person and I expect the same from everyone else around me that are close to me 22. Hate being hurt! It dosen't happen often but when it does, I'm not so nice 23. It may SEAM like I get pist of or irritated... but really I'm just annoyed 24. I Forgive Easily 25. If looks could really kill then my profession would be staring 26. I'm Right Handed, when I write. Left Handed in everything else. 27. I love Long car Rides... I Hate driving, I rather sit and watch others drive for me haha! 28. I don't care for what others think about me. 29. I Have a habit of thinking TOO much or NOT AT ALL Before I speak 30. I write when I'm pissed off, alot! 31. I'm Very Overprotective 32. I'm very headstrong and determined 33. I get Irritated easily 34. I love Holding Hands 35. I Love Kissing 36. Very FEELY 37. I LOVE guitar players! {My bf NEEDS to play guitar} 38. I have BETRAYAL and INJUSTICE! I've come to accept it. 39. I now like the fact that I have wounds to heal, and that I can better myself everyday! 40. I sing in the shower 41. I love making movies 42. I love taking Pictures 43. I'm eXXXtra Random 44. I have Split Personalities... 45. One Second I'm on top of the world... the Next I come crashing down ...HARD... But once I come back, GOD am I EVER Stronger! Eh Pixy! 46. I sometimes Whine, for the fun of it. 47. I hate people that Hate me Without reasons, just because of reputation ... Oh Pe-LEASE!!! Like you’re really gonna listen AND believe what other’s say about me!!!!?????? (You sad pathetic person!!!!haha!) 48. When I have something to say, I usaly say it 49. I love Music ... 50. I don’t bite my Nails, I bite the skin around it!... That's my Worst Habit. But it's because of the fact that I constantly want to have everything perfect. 51. I love storms 52. My Worst fear is not being in control of my life. 53. I love Being Lonely, except when I'm with *someone special* 54. I love the colors Purple and Black. AND BLUE! 55. I'm addicted to buying and Burning Cds... I Have more than 500 56. I Love Singing ... even though I suck at it... haha! 57. I Over analyze 58. I love anything Strawberry 59. I can be a Watch Out! 60. I love the word fuck... ...FUCK!!!! 61. I talk alot. 62. I Love the 80's and 70's, and I wish I were alive in the 50's 63. I usually don't have much self confidence, but I have some! Basicly it's there, I just don't use it. But I'm not insecure. 64. I try not to rush things... things always happen when I do. I'm a risk-taker in certainties! 65. I've got trust issues... 66. I Love decorating my room... it's always Changing 67. I'm Very Moody... Mood Swings suck 68. I Live in a Blonde Moments "Pulling a Crystal!!??" 69. If You piss me off. You'll Know! 70. I hate Drama... Even Though my life is full of it 71. I Hate arguing. But my life is full of that too 72. Think I’m wrong, prove it! Untill then I’ll argue to prove to you I’m right! ...I love being right 73. If I'm wrong I shall gladly admit it, AFTER you prove ME wrong. 74. I love when You Scream into Me ... And take My Breath Away 75. I'm so Confused, not! 76. I scream 77. I want to have sex... on the WHOLE Mars Volta CD... on top of a roof, while there's a lighting storm... on the beach, and rest... I'll leave to me.... and my *special someone* 78. I don't believe in regret 79. I believe in taking risks... I love the thrill of it... 80. I get annoyed easily, when I'm short tempered... watch out... 81. I can be really fun, like I could be really boring 82. I believe in Angels (*A&B*) and all of them! 83. I want to play in the mud 84. I'm a Shoe Fanatic... And I will judge you by your shoes 85. I, again, LOVE Left handed guys {My bf has to have that too... every one that I've had up untill now have been} 86. I Love My hair... It's LOOONG! 87. I Love sensual things 88. I'm Insomniac 89. I Love explaining things when I know about 'em... 90. I love sharing the things I can. *E.S.P Amethyst* 91. I talk alot with my hands. I have some French in me 92. It's not hard to please me ... just a try. 93. I Love Rock Music (Punk, Heavy Metal, Rock, SKA, Emo, Dark, Hardcore) But Christina Aguilera is my Idol! And Backstreet Boys is my childhood band! And I'll always love them! ATREYU ROCKS! 94. I also like SOME Pop, Spanish, RnB, anything but rap music 95. I'm a simple girl... 96. ...Yet I'm so complexed! 97. Very Compulsive... 98. Yet.... I'm impulsive (if you figure this one out, let me know) .... I'm Compulsivly Impulsed! Pixy... You're Impulsivly Compulsed. 99. No one can figure me out, I like it better that way 100. I know myself....... and I love the fact that I do..... *101* If you ACTUALLY read all of this... Consider me your Friend... And if I've repeated myself... Sorry! You think You know . But You have No idea....... This is the Diary of Crystal HAHA!