Chris profile picture



About Me

My Interests

Being me, rocking out, vidyagaems, playing with fire


Against Me!, Black Flag, Boris, Botch, Cap'n Jazz, Common Rider, Converge, Crimpshrine, The Cure, Fugazi, Kiss, Murder City Devils, Pavement, The The, These arms are snakes, Van Halen


Beijing Rocks, Clerks, Usual Suspects, Bill and Ted, Yellow Submarine, Sonatine, Devil's Backbone, Jacob's Ladder, Night of the Hunter


FLCL, Ren and Stimpy, Adam and Joe, Spaced, Black Books, GTO, Cowboy Bebop, Batman, Space Ghost


Berserk, Dune, Hyperion, Transmetropolitan, Punisher, Jojo, folk tales and other interesting reads


Bill Hicks, Henry Rollins, Zdzislaw Bekinski, Haruhara Haruko, Dr Seuss

My Blog

This taste, its of a spy

OK, here goes, another chapter in the life of Chris, aka. Lammington Horatio Pie.I have spent too much time wasting grumping, i need to grasp these reins and ride. Ride into the fucking night. Motherf...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 06:30:00 PST

Fury and sin

I'm losing it. I'm going crazy a bit again. Again. A crazy again bit. I think I might like to run. Can't run anymore though. Furious and unhappy, i ask myself why do i do these things, what is it that...
Posted by Chris on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:32:00 PST

nigga please

First time i ever did writted in here for a long long timeMan things have since changed. No longer am i rolling in delicious wonga, no longer am i the same cheeky chappy, and i since moved out of naaa...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 03:11:00 PST


Motherfuckers wanna get with me, lay with me, love with me - all rightCmon lets set it off, Cmon lets set it offYou know it, you love itYou got it, you want it.
Posted by Chris on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 01:19:00 PST


Seriously, wtf?
Posted by Chris on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 01:58:00 PST

The old profile biography

Kept in memorium:'When you 'assume', you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me.'- Stephen King; Needful Things'Watch out for the gypsy children in electric dresses - they're insane. I hear they live in cre...
Posted by Chris on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:59:00 PST

Late nights again...

"I know who you really are, and that's why you must die." Good evening. It's 2am and I'm lying in bed, playing on the computer. Moonwalker is a fantastic game. I don't know what people think righ...
Posted by Chris on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 06:27:00 PST

Bill's new blog.

Only it's mine, not Bill's. If you didn't know, I'm using the title of the classic kid's show Bill's New Dress, and turning it into a successful pun to announce this blog entry as being new! Wow! Wri...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:09:00 PST

The universe in general

The universe in general is a big fucking disappointment. Seriously, it all looks nice but that's about it. What use does most of it have? Magic powers aren't nearly as common as they should be. I shou...
Posted by Chris on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 10:50:00 PST

Things which disappoint me.

1. Glenn Danzig is short, fat, and ugly. 2. James Blunt lives. 3. I haven't got much money. 4. 95% of people are complete fucking idiots. 5. Tea doesn't cool down quick enough. 6. I can't find cherry ...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST