I am a bit of a gym fanatic. Don't panic, there is no lycra involved.I like to bake cakes, scones, cookies etc and will use any excuse to do it!! I am available for birthdays, bahmitvahs and any other holidays beginning with 'B'.I also like academia. I have taken on a few short courses over recent years, the most interesting being a diploma in psychology. I like to sit and watch people. Basically, I enjoy judging them. So be afraid. Be very afraid.
I am not particularly keen to meet any celebrities, I almost peed myself meeting Bill Bryson, I don't think I am capable of anymore excitement than that.I would, however, like to meet the dude who wrote the bible. Cos someone had to didn't they? I have a few questions for them.
All kinds. If I listed a hundred bands would you bother to read them all.
Not a big film fan. Although I recently watched Million Dollar Baby and was very impressed. I only bought it because it was £2.94 in tesco. Turned out to be worth it. I may even watch it a second time. Withnail and I is the holy grail of films for me.
I appear to have given up on TV altogether these days. Gone are the days when ER was brilliant and the OC excellent mindless trash. Well, the OC is still mindless trash it just now takes the form of a DVD collection in my flat.The only programmes worth watching are panel shows such as QI, HIGNFY and Buzzcocks.And the news. That is always great for lifting my spirits.
Jodi Picoult books are good, if not a little samey. I have run out of excellent authors. Any ideas?
My ex-physics teacher Mr Fendley - he is one clever dude.
Oh, and Stewie from Family Guy.
Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com