Dog training (particularly agility), dogs, reading, astronomy and cosmology, most sports especially: Duke Basketball, Buccaneers Footbal, Yankeee Baseball and (of course) computers.
Stephen Hawking, CeSar Milan, Kip Thorn, Sean Connery, Johnny Depp, Lance Armstrong
Aerosmith, Queen, Greenday, Meatloaf, Jimmy Buffet, Billy Joel.... I like a lot of things but go easy on the Rap.
U2 & Green Day - The Saints Are Coming
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Interview with a Vampire, Top Gun, Matrix (all 3), Star Trek (only even numbers), Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and some old classics...Casablanca, Gone With the Wind, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Anything with Johnny Depp in it
Network TV: House, CSI, CSI:NY and Lost (which I describe as Survivor meets the X Files) all the geeky science shows on Discover/Discovery Science/National Geographic I absolutley HATE reality shows, as I believe they are as real as professional wrestling!
Anything except romance novels but some particular favorites are: The Once and Future King, Atlas Shrugged, The Alienist, My Lovely Bones, Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, Stephen Kings Dark Tower series, and the Harry Potter books (yes, I bough #7 at midnight and was done with it before the sun came up)
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