going out, staying in and hoasting wild party?s. traveling,Drinking smoking shit loads of drugs and ingulfing them all in one big go....hehehehehe
Everyong who?s I havn?t met yet then take them all out on the piss and play the classic drinking game... ROXANNE RED LIGHT...!!.
Everything except country and western and of cousre happy hard core, and of course GayRage....!!!.
Human traffic........Platoon......Pulp Fiction.... blah blah blah..........
Fuck that.... never anything on plus I am never in as i?m always getting totaly off my face to see how long it will take to find Nania and go clubbing with Mr.Tumnas....!!.
Howard Marks Mr. Nice, Greatest book ever.... as I my copy is now in Brazil being read by some random Backpacker.
Howard Marks.John Lennon.Bob Marley.Sid Vicious.Diego Maradona