Jesus,rainy days, running, running on rainy days, music, writing, coffee, traveling, good conversation, driving, reading, and ulitmate frisbee.
Still waiting for Edward Norton to add me.
Seven Places, Waking Ashland, Matt Wertz, Derek Webb, Sanctus Real, Andrew Peterson, Dave Barnes, Edwin Mcain, Lifehouse, All Together Seperate, James Taylor, Nickel Creek, Andy Gullahorn
Wedding Singer, Braveheart, Princess Bride, Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, Willow, The Guardian
everybody loves raymond, weather channel, myth busters, scrubs, the office
The Power and the Glory, or anything else by Graham Greene, Blue Like Jazz, Heavenly Man, Searching for God knows what, Mere Christianity, Great Divorce, Smokey The Cow Horse, Velvet Elvis, Fresh Wind Fresh Fire, Ragumuffin Gospel, Traveling Mercies,Leaving Church,Sex God, and anything else you tell me is good.
"The sin of respectable people reveals itself in flight from responsiblity." Dietrich Bonhoeffer