Snowboardin playin guitar goin to shows hiking biking four wheelin doin stuff to get that adrenalin pumpin wooooooooooooooo i like sex to thats fuckin great just be smart with it and not a hoe about it cause a gentlemen will never tell hee hee
alot of people oh and the president so i can pee on him tell him how dushy he is. thats right dushy terd lickin sticks shovin in the ass mo so bleep! Abby Hoffman just throwin a shout out Freedom of own life yo no one elnses
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Blue grass/Hard rock soft and medium rock and acoustic.Even a little country when im in the mood for it Now this is some funny shit right here
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Fear and loathing in las vegas who framed roger rabbit anything kung fu. Druken master Monty python and the holy grail
try to stear clear of it but survivor man yo mama south park shit like that isnt to bad
celistein prophecys Who are you Drop City its a new one im reading and it kicks ass yep im still reading it so im a slow reader sue me
jimi hendrix Mom Yeah and i always liked the green lantern Dimebag Darrell god rest your soul man
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