Party Monsta profile picture

Party Monsta

About Me

Two intense girls in the city that never sleeps; this is our story... What do you get when you combine a crazy exotic canadian and a foreign lubavitch yemenite? You get eccentricity of the colorful most wonderful kind.....we love the odd and reject the common/normal... Lets make everyday worth living!!!!!!!!!!!!! Picture Comments Contact Box Generator Icons Collage MySpace Layouts Poll Generator

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Member Since: 20/05/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Sam- Vocals.Didgeridoo, triangle Mich- Piano Monsta MOni mon -Featured apperance on opium boner video and on guitar ZC on the synth barbie drums and bongs

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Influences: BOB MARLEY, jimi hendrix, The Doors, David Bowie, pink floyd, Coldplay, Radiohead, The disco biscuits, Neil Young, plastic operator, Postal Service, Jack Johnson, Enya, Bjork, Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple, Nelly Furtado, Regina Spektor, Imogen Heap, Massive Attack, Interpool, Cary Brothers
Sounds Like: Zero 7, Bjork, Bob Marley, Eryka Badu, Lauryn Hill, Goldfrapp, royksopp, Imogen Heap, Pink Floyd, ELECTRONIC AMBIEANT JAM
Record Label: Kumbaya Records

My Blog

15 little ways you can help save the planet

1. Unplug all electronic devices when you are not using them. The more energy you use, the more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. 2. Click to plant a tree. For Every dollar you donate at...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 20:24:00 GMT