ABC's of Islam:A is for Allah Lord of the Universe, who is One, He made the earth, stars, and sun He made angels to worship and pray, He made man from a dab of clayB is for Bilal Bilal is that tall, brave African man, Islam freed him and gave him iman Calling the Muslims to come and pray, Was his duty each night and dayC is for Children Black, white, red, yellow, and brown, Better than the jewels in a crown Laughing or crying, short or tall, Allah loves children, one and allD is for Du'a Remembering Allah all nights and days, By giving Him our thanks and praise Thank Allah with "Al Hamdulillah" And praise Him with "SubhanallahE is for Earth With its mountains, rivers, and seas, Animals, birds, fruits, and trees They all declare Allah's Might, Following His laws, wills, and lightF is for Faith That which the Muslims call Iman, Is in the heart of the believing man Will come from his lip and hand, Love for Allah pouring out like sandG is for Gabriel An angel (called Jibraeel in Islam) created by Allah from light, His duty is to serve Allah all day and night To Prophet Muhammad (S) he did appear, To bring mankind the Holy Qur'an so dearH is for Heaven God's garden of joy, peace, and love, The home for Muslim's souls above The path to this heavenly place Is faith in Allah's guidance and graceI is for Islam A way of life for all of who, Give to Allah the praise that is due We worship and pray five times a day, Because we know it is the best wayJ is for Jesus Peace be upon him, 'Isa, the son of Maryam, To his people Allah's word did he carry By Allah's help, he made the sick well, So people would believe what he had to tellK is for Ka'bah First house of Allah in Makkah was made, By Ibrahim and Isma'il the stones were laid Millions of believers from every race, Come for Hajj tot his extra special placeL is for Life A precious gift from Allah to you, Don't waste it, he knows what you do Don't chase pleasure or forget Allah, No matter how little, say "Al-HamdulillahM is for Muhammad Peace be upon him, Abdullah's son, From Allah's enemies he did not run Of all the Prophets, he was the last, Islam his message which we hold fastN is for Nuh Peace be upon him, a Prophet who was very good, Allah told him to build an ark, fast as he could Take pairs of animals and the believers-all, The flood was coming and the waves would be tallO is for Obedience It is the duty of each Muslim to obey, The Qur'an and the Sunnah all the way Go for Hajj, give Zakah, fast, and pray, And to your parents do not say, "Nay!"P is for Prayer It is the cornerstone of Muslim life, And the devil it cuts like a knife Prayer five times a day is a must, In Allah, you should put your trustQ is for Qur'an A blessing and guide for all of mankind, In it Allah's message you will find Of all His messages, it is the last, Perfect for present, future, and pastR is for Ramadan For Muslims this blessed month of fasting, Is to celebrate Allah's love everlasting All day, no food, nor drink, nor evil deeds, Pray and read Qur'an, to heaven this leadsS is for Surah One hundred and fourteen in the Qur'an, Read them and trust in Al-Rahman, Do you know ten of them that you can say? Knowing them will help you prayT is for Tawheed La ilaaha illallah, Allah is the only one, There is no partner with Him, nor son Allah is the answer to all that we need, Watch your heart and tongue, He knows every deedU is for Ummah The Muslim community, which Muhammad (S) found, The brotherhood of Islam made it sound Allah's laws in the Qur'an and Sunnah, Are to help everyone in the UmmahV is for Victory It is the help from Allah to you, His guidance in everything you do Work and prayer a Muslim does need, To celebrate Allah's victory, indeed!W is for Wudu' We must keep our minds and bodies clean, Because by Allah we are always seen Whenever you hear the call of athan, Prepare and come pray as soon as you canX is for ...... X is not easy for us to rhyme, So, we'll not waste much of your time In higher math, X is hard to find, But Allah's path is clear even to the blindY is for Yunus Peace be upon him, a good man in a wicked town, He ran to the sea and a whale gobbled him down By the mercy of Allah, he was saved to tell, His people to become good and obey Allah wellZ is for Zero-sin It is the way we each begin, Free from worldly sin So, don't let yourself forget, Keep out of the devil's threat!"There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go."
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