♥ My name is Stacy
♥ I am a fresh ass juggalette fr0m Dudley
♥ “Oxf0rd Dunkin D0nutz,….â€
♥ I speak my mind
♥ I am beautiful in my 0wn eyez.
♥ I am a really big theater geek
♥ Y0u see these shacklez? Baby i'm y0ur slave!
♥ I am in L0ve [amh 4 years str0ng]
♥ I am enGaged!! [eeP]
♥ I l0ve my litTle br0ther!
♥ I c0llect and am OBSESSED with cherriez!
♥ I l0ve scary m0viez
♥ I never miss a psych0pathic c0ncert
♥ In L0ve with Guitar Her0.
♥ In l0ve with my ph0ne [m0t0*Q]
♥ I have 9 tatto0’s and 8 piercingz
♥ My weakness is, that i care t0 much
♥ I w0uld be happier in a l0t Less cl0thing
♥ My hair is c0ffee bean br0wn at the m0ment, c0nstantly changing
♥ I th0ught Pearl Harb0r was an amazing m0vie
♥ I th0ught W0rld Trade Center was an amazing m0vie als0...
♥ TitAnic. By fAr the best.
♥ I’ve never seen the passi0n 0f the Christ
♥ Clearly i am intrigued by m0vies
♥ j0die iS my bff.
♥ I drive a 97 Eclipse. Yes it'z a stick!
♥ You can't miss my 13" hatchetman 0n the back wind0w 0r the bicycle dents in the fr0nt.
♥ Wikid cl0wnz turn me 0n.
♥ Circus cl0wnz scare the fucking SHIT 0ut 0f me!
♥ I l0ve playing vide0 gamez.
♥ Jill & Barry
♥ t0tally miss my s0ul-mate!
♥ I l0ve Animalz.
♥ I have 7. 0tis,Gracer,Chewy,lil po0t,Mary-jane,Cherry-Pie and Sno0py!
♥ Iguana,Ferret,Ferret,le0pard geck0,Rat,Rat and D0g.
♥ Gracer's name used t0 be Gracey, h0wever whenever we learned that SHE was a HE , we kind 0f had t0 change it.
♥ My kitty Ind0 lives with Joshua and Amanda n0w.
♥ We l0st 0ur Lil h0mie L0tus, but will never f0rget him and the l0ve that he shared! I think about that shithead every fucking day 0f my life!
♥ 7*31*06
♥ Barbell0. Paul Barbell0.
♥ Oh yea. Fuck y0u.
♥ Like rightn0wRIGHTNOW
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