K-Stevens profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey im Klay, im 14 years old, I live in the big town of Milo and go to penquis valley (not to impressive huh) well I love basketball, and being outside.. and im single. my sn is penquis20

My Interests

What is your name?: Klay
Do you have any nicknames?: Not really
When is your birthdate?: Jan. 26th
What's your birthplace?: Banger
What's your current location?: Milo
What's your hair color?: Dirty blonde
What's your eye color?: Blue
Do you have any piercings?: Negative
Do you have any tatoos?: Not yet
What's your ethnicity?: White
What's your heritage?: Alittle bit of everything
Do you have any siblings?: Yes, 1 older brother
Do you have any pets?: 1 dog, 1 cat, 2 birds
What school do you go to?: Penquis
Food?: o idk
Candy?: Kit-Kat
Icecream?: Cotton candy
Drink?: G-2
Color?: Green
Number?: 69
Season?: Winter/Summer haha
Football Team?: Patriots
School Subject?: Gym
Parent?: Both
Store?: Good ones
Clothing Brand?: Abecrombie
Sport?: Basketball
Male Celebrity?: O idk
Female Celebrity?: O idk
Holiday?: (fishin derby) haha
Book?: I hate reading
TV Show?: lots
Movie?: To many to pick from
Childhood Toy?: Toy dirtbikes

Kisses or Hugs?: Both :-)
Laugh or Cry?: Laugh
City or Country?: Country
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi
Up North or Down South?: In the middle
Beach or Pool?: Beach
Hot or Cold?: Right in the middle
Sunny or Rainy?: Sunny
Shake Ya Tailfeather or Shake Your Laffy Taffy?: Laffy Taffy
Polka Dots or Stripes?: idk
Baskin Robbins or Dairy Queen?: Baskin Robbins
Twist or Shout?: lol Twist and Shout
NFC or AFC?: Hard choice
Family or Friends?: Both
Boys or Girls?: Girls
McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds
Chocolate Milk or White Milk?: Chocolate
Love or Money?: Love
Fantasy or Reality?: Reality
Abercrombie or Hollister?: Abecrombie
Hamburgers or Hotdogs?: Hamburgers
Ketchup or Mustard?: Ketchup
Day or Night?: Day
Rap or Country?: Country
Prep or Emo?: Prep
Sweet or Tart?: Sweet Tarts
Blonde or Brunette?: O eather
Cats or Dogs?: Dogs
Indoors or Outdoors?: Out

Have you ever been in love?: Yea
With whom?: Girl
What is true love?: 2 peoples souls come into contact
Does love at first site exist?: Yep
Do you have a bf or gf?: Nope
What is your sexual orientation?: Straight
Is there such a thing as fairytales?: Oh duh
Have you ever been cheated on?: I hope the hell not
Have you ever cheated?: Nope
Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?: Yep (girl)
Do you have a crush?: Hmm wouldn't you like to know
On who?: Wouldn't you like to know
Ever been kissed?: Yep
Are you a virgin?: Maybe
How far have you gone?: Pretty far
Ever hooked up with someone of the same sex?: NO AND NEVER
Do you want to get married?: Yep
Do you want to have kids?: Yep
How do you feel about "friends with benefits"?: cool if thats all you want
Would you ever consider having an open relationship with someone?: Nah
:::In a Boy / Girl:::

Hair Color?: Doesn't matter
Eye Color?: Doesn't mtter
Height?: Sorter than me
Most Important Personality Trait?: Nice
Looks or Personality?: Ill go for both
?Random Questions?
Do you think you're attractive?: Uh idk
Do you do drugs?: Nope
Smoke?: Nope
Drink?: Nope
Are you friends with people who do?: Yep
If you could meet any athlete, who would it be?: Lebron
Do you like coffee?: Nah
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Something in the medical feild
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: 3
Have you ever had braces?: Nope
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Nope
Does God exist?: Yep
What is your religion?: Baptist
What is your clothing style?: Abecrombie
Do you believe in life on other planets?: Dude, no.. if i did id be there lol
Do you wish on stars?: O i would
Are you pro-life?:
Do you support the death penalty?: All depends
Do you support gay marriage?: No
How do you want to die?: Peacefully
Do you have any regrets?: Yep
Does karma come back and get you?: Not really
Have you ever been sent to jail?: If i was 18 i woulda been
Have you ever lied?: Maybe
Are you honest?: Yep
When is your bedtime?: Whenever i want
Have you ever cheated on homework?: Yep
How late do you sleep until?: As late as i can
Are you vegetarian?: No
Do you have a job?: Nope
Are you rich?: Not really
Who is the funniest comedian?: Larry the cable guy
Is your hair naturally curly or straight?: Curly
Do you go to tanning beds?: Nope
What is your natural hair color?: Dirty Blonde
Do you die your hair?: Have befor
Do you get along with your parents?: Yep
What is your most prized possesion?: My life lol
What thing do you have an obsession for?: Girls
How many shoes do you own?: Bout 100
Are you usually a happy person?: Yea i guess
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