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Your astrological sign ARIES
Your Weakness - food wise CHOCALATE!!!
Your Weakness - opposite sex wise REAL Platinum BlondE Hair!!
Goal you would like to achieve this year STARTING TO BECOME A NURSE
Do you want to get married or regret doing it NOT RIGHT NOW, UNLESS I MEET THAT SPECIAL PERSON THAT I CAN JUST FEEL.
Something you fear most NOT BEING ABLE TO BE INCONTROL.
Bad habit CURSING....@##$$%$%%$
Something you hate in people in general PEOPLE WHO ARE POSERS...NOT REAL
Something you hate in mates LYING..CHEATERS..IT ALL GOES TOGETHER.
Do you flirt with people NO NOT ME.....JUST KIDING...
How do you want to die NOT KNOWING.
Your best feature MY EYES
Your best quality GOOD HEARTED..LOYAL...LOVING...
Thought when you first wake up JUST TEN MORE MINUTES !!
Your most missed memory MY SON TYLER..
If you could end 1 problem in the world, name it BROKEN HEARTS.
Thing you say the most in general @#$!...*&^%$#@....#%$#@
Something you think a lot about MY BOYS!!(MY LITTLE BOYS THAT IS.)
What place would you most like to visit ITALY...TO FIND RELATIVES.
Something you do a lot SHOP!!!!!!
Favorite class in college or school ORCHESTRA..SO I COULD TALK WITH ONE OF MY BEST BUD.
Something that annoys you the most NICK MY BABYIES' DADDY!!
Favorite place to eat and why THE MELTING POT...Continuous FOOD AND IT'S PRITTY FUN.
Last thing you stole if any KISSES FROM MY BOYS.
Somthing people compliment you the most about HOW YOUNG AND GOOD I LOOK TO HAVE 5 KIDS...YES FIVE..OH MY GOD!!
Something that always makes you smile MY BOYS WHEN THEY SHOW MOMMY SOME LOVE!! AWWW!
A fetish you have WELL OF COURSE IT'S SHOES!!!
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
According to The Underwear Quiz I am currently wearing :
A Thong
Take the Underwear Quiz at
According to experts, my personality type is :
Adult Film Star
Other people like me display these traits.
Take the Ink Blot Personality Quiz at img src=" png" width="240" height="180"