My name is Ian. I work and I play. But mostly I play. I have some friends named Luke and Laine. And some other ones. I some siblings named Eric and Spike, plus more I think. I live with a half-Asian man and my ex-girlfriend. Some people think this is weird. Those people are racists.
Sometimes, I go to school. By 'sometimes', I mean that I occasionally enroll in classes and then sporadically attend them. I was told that college was a great place to meet girls, but for the amount they're charging me to be there, I could probably just go get a hooker.
I have one job delivering pizzas, and another job selling office supplies. One job represents my serious, hard-working side, while the other is reflective of my wild, party animal side. Both jobs represent the side of me that loves to wear dorky uniforms.
Below is a picture of a dancing robot. He is my one true love.