About Me
Panamasta is an internationally known recording artist who has toured and performed along side various legendary and popular artist. (CIRCA 1988)Cipherdim Music(ASCAP) is a media asset management and consulting company, which holds interest in various music publishing and production companies. Cipherdim Musics' primary business activity is to provide music production and jingles compositions in english and spanish for clients who wish to interact in the Latin American market.TRANS:Cipherdim Musica(ASCAP) es una compania especializada en la publicacion y produccion de musica. Esta compania proeve producciones musicales para comerciales y medios tradicionales en ingles y espanol, para clientes que desean ser reconocidos en el mercado Latino Americano.Cipherdim was founded in 1996. This company was created to help develop and administrate the career of producer-songwriter and recording artist PANAMASTA. Panamasta has been profesionally active in the music industry for more than 17 years. Since its founding we have grown a great deal, and we've always strived for excellence. We deliver the highest quality performances and recordings in the United States, Europe, Puerto Rico and neighboring islands. After dedicating four years to the research and study of the music industry markets, Panamasta was comissioned to work on a bi-costal compilation album(Guatauba Prod./Tony Touch Ent./Nico Canada) which sold more than 100,000 copies (Gold, near Platinum) in Puerto Rico; This spawned a public relations campaign in the island's top Television and radio stations. Around this same period Panamasta and record producer Overtime were finalizing single deal agreements with "Home Of Latino Artist" owned by John "Jellybean" Benitez(H.O.L.A. Recordings L.L.C.); The song "Wine Your Body" was placed on the soundtrack for the motion picture release of "One Tough Cop" (Stratosphere Entertainment) starring Stephen Baldwin.TRANS: Cipherdim Musica fue fundado en 1996. Esta compania fue creada para desarrollar y administrar la carrera del canta/autor/artista PANAMASTA. Panamasta a estado activo en la industria musical profecionalmente por mas de diesisiete anuales. Desde su fundacion hemos crecido,siempre en foco de excelencia, deliverando la mas alta qualida en grabaciones y preformidades en Los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico, y islas becinas. Despues de invertir cuatro anuales estudiando y resorchiando la Industria Musical, Panamasta fue commisionado para una copilacion bicostal (Guatauba Prod./Tony Touch Ent./Nico Canada) que movio mas de 100,000 copias en Puerto Rico. Esto esploto una campana de relaciones publicas en la radio y TV de la isla.Cipherdim Music is an organization with a wide network of industry contacts and access to top corporate business advisors.PANAMASTA is an internationally known recording artist who has toured and performed along side various legendary and popular artist including: Hector Tricoche, Quinito Mendez, Mike Pena, Tony Touch, Nico Canada, Manolo, Mexicano, Daddy Yankee, Rey Pirin, Falo, D-Troy, King Chango, Jamal Ski, Rocker-T,The Skadans band, Rica-B, Shagy, Spraga Benz, Mega Banton, KRSONE, Mad Lion, Outkast, Mos Def,Talib Kuali, Onix, Channel Live, Veronica, Don Dinero, Julio Acosta, Batista, Ocean, Badseed, Pumpkinhead, Wordsworths and Babee Power just to name a few.We have managed to gain the knowledge and expertise required to integrate, and function in the Hispanic and general American markets.