Everything and everyone! Show me something I don't know about and i'll study it like it holds the answer to all life! (Which I have found)
I would like to meet... someone who teaches me a lesson without teaching it to me. Someone who, when faced with a problem or a fear, confronts it flawlessly, without any sign of being threatened or hesitation. A Hero.View All Friends | View Blog
I listen to Techno and Rap music nowadays. I used to listen to ALOT of rock, but since I've changed my "ways" I decided to change my music up a little bit. Once in a while I'll listen to some Rock. But mostly Techno and Rap...
Anything and everything!!
When I do watch TV, I don't really WATCH it.... I study it and the people, looking for plot holes, slip-ups, sudden unnecessary changes in character.... anything... I study it... not watch it...ALWAYS KEEP YOUR MINDS WORKING PEOPLE!
The only books i've read are any ones I can get my hands on.. and recently it's become alot actually. 3 physical books, MANY e-books. I read everything I can! From the Closed captioning I keep on my TV, to the Nutritional facts on Cereal (without wheat ofcourse).
L Lawliet, Gilbert, Dr.Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Albert Einstein, Socrates, Plato, Cloud, Aristotle,