~*The Wife*~ profile picture

~*The Wife*~

I am here for Friends

About Me

Your Life As A Celebrity by electronicoffee
Your Claim To Fame Well-Established Porn Star
How Much Are You Worth? $73,225,062
What Kind Of Dream House? African Savana Mansion
In Your Spare Time? Sex, Dancing, Shopping
How Many Years Will You Be Famous? 15
How Will You Die? Mass/Cult Suicide
What Will You Be Remembered For? Being Charismatic
How Much Of The World Will Mourn You? 81%
My life in the last 10 years...
After graduating in 97 I moved to Madrid, Spain for school. I spent an incredible year and still miss it to this day...if it weren't for health problems and a need for surgery, I would've stayed longer, and honestly might have never come back. But I had to. And I'm now glad I did.
I moved back to the states, started working and planned to finish school, but ended up meeting my now ex-husband. We married and moved to North Carolina. We were married for 4 years, but his Marine career only allowed me to see him for about 2 and a half of those years, which I spent with him in North Carolina. In hindsight, I really think I was too young, too naive, and not ready at all for marriage, let alone a long distance marriage, and we ended up spliting up.
I moved back to Greensburg, finally began school again, and got involved what can only be described as the worst relationship of my life. I consider myself a smart girl, but I guess all the bad factors of life came together, and allowed me to be sucked into it...I was newly divorced, devastated it didn't work out, insecure, and totally unsure of myself and where I was going. Then along he comes. And with it 3 years of pure hell. You know, you hear about females in abusive relationships, and you think "I would never be that stupid. I would never let a man do that to me." Yeah, I thought so too. Its amazing though what you'll allow to happen and what you'll tell yourself in order to justiy the behavior.
Thankfully, even though it took me 3 years, and even though I was scared to death of him and what he would do to me, I wisened up and got out. It may sound cheesy, but I can honestly say the day that happened, the day I came to that decision, to put me and my safety and well being before him, it was literally like the skies parted, the sun came out, and this huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Don't get me wrong...it was not easy by any means, but its the best thing I could've done.
After that I went through some crappy relationships, then realized what I really needed was to be single, to take care of me, and to have fun. So I did for about a year.
That brings me to now. I must've paid my dues, because I have been blessed with the best guy anyone can ask for. He is more then I could ever ask for, and sometimes more then I think I deserve. He's the sweetest, kindest, most caring person I've ever met. Honestly I never knew men like him existed. And now I am more then excited to say we are getting married soon and will begin our new life in England...which I am also beyond excited about. I now know what it means to have found "the one." Come see me in 50 years and I'll tell you all about our adventures, our kids, and our grandkids :-) Until then, I can only hope you all will be as lucky as me!
.. Odds and ends and quirky things about me:
♥I swear like a sailor...I know, not very ladylike.♥
♥I have a bit of a weakness for military men...but only one has my heart♥
♥I laugh at everything. Even when I'm pissed, I usually laugh. After all, if you can't find humor in everything, then what's the point?♥
♥My fave thing are my silk sheets. They are the most incredible things in the world. If I could find a way to successfully run my life from those sheets, I would never get out of bed. lol♥
♥If I get really angry I may swear in Spanish. So don't be shocked when strange foreign words fly out of my mouth...lol♥
♥I am prolly too honest for you to handle. Nothing is too hard for me to say. And I am the queen of sarcasm. Hey, sometimes things need to be said...shit needs to be taken care of. And I always step up to the plate. So you can count on me to never lie to you...but be careful the questions you ask...♥
♥Almost nothing you tell me will shock me, disgust me, or scare me away. I am the most open-minded, accepting, non-judgmental person you'll ever meet, which means all of your odd, quirky, or downright weird habits prolly won't even phase me.♥
♥I am a human lie detector. I can always tell when someone is lying to me. Always. And just cause I don't call your ass on it doesn't mean I don't know!♥

My Interests

♥I miss you so much grandma!♥

♥Til we can see each other again....♥

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.. You are 100% Pittsburgh.

Great job! There's nooooo doubt about it. You're from Da Burgh. You deserve a reward, so go have an Ahrn City or two. And GO STILLERS!

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Myspace Layouts

♥♥♥I'm one of the lucky ones to have already found my Mr. Right....and I married him!!!♥♥♥

Myspace Layouts

You have been marked on my profile map! Click to zoom-in.


Mainly rap and hip hop...but am also a sucker for old 80s and 90s music, and I love country, esp the older stuff...no, your eyes ain't playin tricks...I said country...lol



.. I am a closest reality show freak. Doesn't matter what it is...if it "real" people causing drama and actin the fool I'm all about it. But my all time favorite show is QAF on Showtime. I'm so pissed it ended!



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My Blog

Why you cant trust...

I've learned a little something this last week about not being able to trust...here's the short, not so sweet version.You can't trust your friends to be there for you... ~Cause you'll have your ...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 06:50:00 PST

You know you’re from Pittsburgh when.....

..> You Know You're From Pittsburgh When... "Hey Yuz Guyz" is your traditional greeting. You know the time and location of every Wing Night in a 10 mile radius. You know the location of the following...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:12:00 PST

Steeler story! Ain’t it the truth!!!

A Cleveland family of football supporters head out one Saturday to do their Christmas Shopping. While in the sports store, the son picks up a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey and says to his older sister, ...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 11:01:00 PST

Race and relationships...

Ok so I was talkin to someone on here a while back...and we got onto the subject of race and relationships and whatnot...And he tells me something that kinda surprised me and made me wonder....He says...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:25:00 PST

Don't assume tomorrow will come...

We all assume things when we go to bed every night. We assume we'll wake up the next day, we assume we'll have to go to work, or attend to some other errand throughout the day. And we assume this of e...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:38:00 PST

WTF?! moments

Ok, so recent talks with new and old friends has gotten me thinking about ex's. And some of the funny as shit I dealt with in the past. Obviously at the time it wasn't very funny...but, when I look b...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:57:00 PST

I hate cops!

The title pretty much says it all right? You know, I never had many problems with cops, really. The worst crime I've ever committed was letting the meter run out in the parking lot. I've only been pu...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:17:00 PST

Let it go! for 2007

I received this as a bulletin from another on my friend's list...it couldn't have had better timing...so I thought I would repost in my blog for all to read...Let it go! for 2007.. By T. D. JakesThere...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 03:22:00 PST

Let's just call them goals, ok?

I hate the word resolutions. Why? Cause resolutions are meant to be broken. Seriously. How many resolutions have you made over the years that you have stuck with? I'm sure it isn't a lot. Because peo...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 06:07:00 PST

The MySpace Pimp

So as some of you know, I'm relatively new to MySpace. Relatively meaning I've been on here less then a year. I came on here for one reason only...I was involved in a long distance relationship, and ...
Posted by ~*The Wife*~ on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 05:29:00 PST