Why the name Moyra?
The band explains, .."We had all agreed, that making it in the music industry is like a roll of the dice, luck of the draw or karma for that matter. When we ran across the word Moyra (moira with a change of spelling), it meant just that and it stuck with us!"Who Are Moyra?
Moyra merged together in March of 2005, and are among few bands that live and record apart. While singer Ehme and Dominic Fuentes, (bass/vocals), live in Washington, Jason Brace (lead guitarist), lives on the road, running monitors currently for 'Evanescence' and at times, 'Mary J. Blige'. More recently, 'Moyra' gained two new members, Jesse (drums), and Richard Sanchez (guitarist), making it possible for 'Moyra' to perform live.
Before now, husband and wife duo Dominic and Ehme, would write the music and transfer everything via internet to 'Brace', allowing him to add in his parts, then mix and master everything down for a finished product, making 'Moyra' purely an internet band. What started as a pass-time for these three turned into be a larger project.
"We all have our own background in music," Ehme expresses. "I studied classical guitar and music theory for over eleven years, here in the U.S. as well as in Europe. I've also done my share of performances. Dominic and Richard grew up playing in bands together and have over fifteen years experience, Dominic focusing mainly on bass and vocals, and Richard mainly on guitar. And then there is our boy 'Brace', who just has done and still does it all! He played in a college band winning Battle of the Bands with a full arm cast on!" Ehme says with a chuckle. "He gained a Bachelor of Science in Communications, a Minor in Music Technology, he ran sound for cruise liners, taught audio engineering, he trains roadies...and well, like I said ... he's done and does it all!"
The band has made a mark without ever playing live. They gained the interest of producer Mike Pietrini of The Vortex Studio over the internet. Mike has done productions for bands and members such
as 'Yes', 'Extreme', 'Tribe of Judah', 'Pink Floyd' and more.
So how does the band practice together with band members so far away and on the road? Again, all by internet! When there is need for some live interaction or composition, they manage by web-cam or headset. Might sound difficult, but Moyra have successfully mastered the use for modern technology, gaining a fan base world wide and their fresh new sound shows for it!
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