****SwEeT & InNoCeNt**** profile picture

****SwEeT & InNoCeNt****

I am here for Friends

About Me

cursor=My Slide Show My Angel CursorNew LayoutI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


My Interests

Singing, Dancing, Talking, Having Fun

I'd like to meet:

FriendsI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

105 question on your random life
Home life
What do you do when you wake up?: Smile
Do you drink coffee?: Used to
Do you clean your house?: Who doesn't
If so,then what room is the easiest room to clean?: Bathroom
Whats the hardest room?: Kitchen
Do you have siblings?: Ummmm um
If so,how many?: 16
What are their names?: Do you have time...cause I don't
Do you like your siblings?: Sumtimes
Do you get along with your parents?: The one that I have
Do you bond with them?: When we talk about sex
How many pets do you have?: 2
What kind of pets do you have?: Cat and Dog
Which pet is your favorite?: Coffee- the dog
School life
Do you go to highschool,middle school,or college?: College
What is your favorite class?: Don't know yet
What do you have 6th period?: Out of the period life...2 classes Mon-Thurs just how I like it
Who do you hang out with the most in school?: Start in Jan
Whos locker are you next to?: Whoever i'm parked next to in the parking lot...My car is my locker
Do you have any of your friends in your classes?: Nop...new state, gotta start over...Fuck
Do you take the bus or do you get driven?: No.... I drive the stick
If you take the bus,where do you sit usually?: If I did ride the bus, i'd sit where ever the fuck I wanted
Are there labled groups in your school?: I'm sure there will be
If so,what group lable is yours?: We'll se when the time comes
Do you get detention offten?: Nop
Have you ever been in a food fight during lunch?: Yep..In high school, that shit was fun
Do you hate your teachers?: I'll see when I get there
Are you an honors student?: I was in high school and im me so I will be in college
Social life
Whats your favorite place to hang out at?: Home in peace...cause soon as I step one foot outside hataz grab on
Do you go to the mall offten?: Try not to..I like to spend money
Are you on the computer 24/7?: Nop, only when I'm bored
Are you on the phone 24/7?: Yep, love to run my mouth
Do you go to parties offten?: Nop cause when hoes bump into me Im ready ta fight
What are your hobbies?: Kickin however I feel at the moment
Whats your favorite hobbie?: Sex
Are you good at it?: Why dont you find out
Do you listen to music offten?: Yep
Do you have .. Nop the shit actin up....Im bout to shut that shit down. If I can't IM then nobody can.
If so,whats ur sn?:
Do you gossip?: If it need to be done, I do it
Do you care more about your social life more than you do about school?: I got my priorities staight
Do you moslty socialize with your friends?: Yep
Friendship life
Who is your best friend?: Nicole
Which friend calls you the most?: Lil Sis- Lette
Which friend IMs you the most?: Can't quite get the im shit together....So fuck it
Which friend understand you the most out of all ur friends?: Lil Sis -GG
Which friend is funnier?: Vincent
Which friend is quiet?: Not even one
Which friend has a temper?: All
Which friend is the girliest?: Lamesa- associate
Which friend cheers you up the most?: Don't know...They all do there share
Which friend has a low self-esteem?: None...We exceed confidence level
Which friend is honest?: Nicole
Which friend holds a grudge for a while?: Chaka
Which friend is flirty?: All
Which friend is the loudest?: Don't know...they compete daily
Love life
Do you have a bf/gf?: Nop
If so,whats their name?:
If not,are you crushin?: Yep
Do you beleive in love?: Yep...that might be the problem
Do you see love at first sight?: Ummmmm Um Um
Do fall for ppl because of their looks?: Sexually, but only on the weekends
Do you hook up with ppl on the internet?: Hell naw... it's some crazy bitches out there
How many bfs/gfs have you had in your entire life?: Oohhhh so when should I start, before or after I came out the pussy
Have you ever had your heart broken?: unfortunately
Have you broken a heart?: yep
Have you been cheated on?: think so
Have you cheated?: Innocent until proven guilty
Do you think sex matters more?: It depends
Have you ever made out?: yep
Image life
What color is your hair?: Sandy brown...coming soon
What color are your eyes?: brown and lovely
What kind of cloths do you wear?: Whatever I like
Do you wear make-up?: Dont need to...Nothing can add to the beauty I already have
Are you punk?: Fuck no
Are you prepy?: When I want to be
Are you gangster?: Born that way
Are you goth?: Hell naw
Are you a jock?: not even
Are you a nerd?: nop
Are a head banger?: You want to find out
Whats your nationality?: Im all around
Do you have small or big eyes?: Tight eyes- Sexy but sneaky
Are you a girl or a boy?: Born wit a pussy
Peronality life
Do you think your nice?: Sweet and Innocent
Do you have a bad temper?: Fuck wit me
Are you helpful?: of course...very honest
Are you depressed offten?: sumtimes...Never can have ENOUGH money
Do you have additude?: Yep
Do you get along with alot of people?: Yep
Do you hate on alot of people?: What for
Are you flirty?: Unconciousely
Do you have an ego?: Yep
Do you pick on people you don't know?: Nop
Would take a bullet for the people you love?: Maaannnn......Ioono
Are you amusing?: Very Flexible
Do you take blames for others?: Be like that sumtimes
Do you blame others for your actions?: Nop...I can handle my own
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Kick-Ass Survey: The Shit You Really Wanted To Know
What's your nickname?: Shonda
What would you change your name to if it was up to you?: I like being me
What zodiac sign are you?: Leo
What year did you graduate from high school in?: 2006
What body type would you use to describe yourself?: I got all you need
What color are your eyes?: Bold, beautiful, and brown
What color hair do you have?: Dark brown for now
Is that your natural haircolor?: Brown and black
Do you have any piercings? If yes, how many?: 2 n each ear
How about tattoos? How many if said yes?: None yet...undecided
What is your heritage or country of oringal origin?: Geraldine's Pussy...ever heard of it
Do you speak any languages other than English?: Spanish...coming soon
Where do you live?: Mississippi for now
How long have you lived there for?: 3 days
Where would you go if you could pick anywhere to take a dream vacation?: Jamaica
Have you ever been to another country before?: Not yet....Unless you count Nut City, Cumland (LOL Chaka)
Would you rather take a trip to the mountains or the beach?: I dont care, I can fuck in both
Do you know how to ski or snowboard?: nop and don't think I want to learn, I think I like my body parts exactly where they are
Have you ever been scuba diving before?: Ick no...not until after marriage
Ever sky-dived before?: Does jumping out of a tree count
How old were you when you moved out of your parent's house?: 17
What sports did you play in high school or college?: Tennis...laugh all you want, but the shit is fun
Do you work out on a regular basis to stay in shape?: Try to every once in a while
Are you happy with your body now or would you like to lose/gain weight?: Lose a little...Naw fuck that, i'm sexy as is
Are you healthy when it comes to what you eat or like junk food?: I eat out every day...sounds healthy to me
How old were you when you had your first "french kiss"?: ummmm....6,7 maybe
How old were you when you lost your virginity?: I could tell you....but i'd rather not
Did you lose your virginity to someone you were dating or a fling?: First Love
How long did your longest relationship last?: First Love- 4 years
Have you been in love before or not yet?: Yep
How old were you the first time you fell in love?: Im not telling
Are you still in love with your first love now or not anymore?: Love him...Always but not in love
Have you ever had your heart broken by someone you were in love with?: Yep
Have you ever broken anyone's heart before?: A couple of people
Have you ever cheated on a your b.f. or g.f. before?: Yep...It was a mistake or at least I think it was
Did you get caught or get away with it?: I told (it seemed like the right thing to do)
Did you feel badly about cheating on your partner after the fact or no?: Yep - I admit it..... I fucked up
Have you cheated on more partners than you have stayed true to?: Not that I can remember
Have you ever been cheated ..?: Did he think I was stupid. Im gone always do what I do...Cant live no other way
If yes, how did you find out about it?: It takes one to know one
Did you stay with your partner after finding out they cheated?: I knew all along....but like I said "I'm gone always do what I do"
If your partner cheated on you, is it an automatic dealbreaker?: Cant start no shit if i'm doing the same thang.....just pull out the plastic and charge it!
Do you think all people are bound to cheat sooner or later?: It depends where your heart is
Do you believe each person has a "soulmate" out there?: Yep, but it take GOD to find him/her
Have you already met your "soulmate"?: Dont know yet
Have you ever been engaged before?: Nop
Are you/have you ever been married before?: Nop
Do you want to get married someday or not so much?: Yes
Do you think people aren't made to stay with one person forever?: Strongly disagree
How many serious, long-term relationships have you had?: 2
Do you not like being single and prefer dating someone all the time?: Sumtimes its all good and sumtimes you get lonely
Are you codependent?: Sumtimes I just act like it
Are you scared of long, term relationships/commitments?: naw
Have you ever lived with any of your b.f./g.f.'s?: Went out of town for days at a time with
How long did you date before moving in together?:
Are you a neat freak, average, or kinda messy person?: Depends on how I feel, but never too messy
Do you know how to cook pretty well and enjoy cooking?: Don't fuck wit it... Already burned up one kitchen LOL
How many one-night stands or flings have you had?: Good girls never tell
Have you ever said the wrong name to your lover in bed?: Pictured someone elses face
Ever blown someone off after you hooked up with them and said u'd call?: nop
How long do you normally wait before sleeping with someone your dating?: Long enough
Ever lied about the # of people you habe slept with to a new partner?: Yep... but eventually told the truth, had to learn to be true to myself
Do you know how many people you've slept with or lost count?: Of course I know...just give me a couple days to write them all down...Just kiddin
Are you known as a "tease" by people who know you pretty well?: Yep
Are you the one who does the chasing or do you like to be chased?: It depends ....
Ever slept with someone who was married and you knew they were?: Fuck no...I can get my own
What's the biggest age gap between you and someone u slept with?: 3 to 4 years at the most so far
Have you ever smoked weed?: Tried to
Ever done drugs other than weed?: Nop
Would you say you have done your fair share of drug experimentation?: Nop
Are you still not done "experimenting"...?: Threw with that shit
Do you drink on a regular basis?: not yet
Do you smoke?: nop
Would you not date somone just because they smoked/drank and u didn't?: yep
Are you glad this quiz is finally over now....?!?! haha!: Fuck my wrists hurt
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105 question on your random life
Home life
What do you do when you wake up?: Smile
Do you drink coffee?: Used to
Do you clean your house?: Who doesn't
If so,then what room is the easiest room to clean?: Bathroom
Whats the hardest room?: Kitchen
Do you have siblings?: Ummmm um
If so,how many?: 16
What are their names?: Do you have time...cause I don't
Do you like your siblings?: Sumtimes
Do you get along with your parents?: The one that I have
Do you bond with them?: When we talk about sex
How many pets do you have?: 2
What kind of pets do you have?: Cat and Dog
Which pet is your favorite?: Coffee- the dog
School life
Do you go to highschool,middle school,or college?: College
What is your favorite class?: Don't know yet
What do you have 6th period?: Out of the period life...2 classes Mon-Thurs just how I like it
Who do you hang out with the most in school?: Start in Jan
Whos locker are you next to?: Whoever i'm parked next to in the parking lot...My car is my locker
Do you have any of your friends in your classes?: Nop...new state, gotta start over...Fuck
Do you take the bus or do you get driven?: No.... I drive the stick
If you take the bus,where do you sit usually?: If I did ride the bus, i'd sit where ever the fuck I wanted
Are there labled groups in your school?: I'm sure there will be
If so,what group lable is yours?: We'll se when the time comes
Do you get detention offten?: Nop
Have you ever been in a food fight during lunch?: Yep..In high school, that shit was fun
Do you hate your teachers?: I'll see when I get there
Are you an honors student?: I was in high school and im me so I will be in college
Social life
Whats your favorite place to hang out at?: Home in peace...cause soon as I step one foot outside hataz grab on
Do you go to the mall offten?: Try not to..I like to spend money
Are you on the computer 24/7?: Nop, only when I'm bored
Are you on the phone 24/7?: Yep, love to run my mouth
Do you go to parties offten?: Nop cause when hoes bump into me Im ready ta fight
What are your hobbies?: Kickin however I feel at the moment
Whats your favorite hobbie?: Sex
Are you good at it?: Why dont you find out
Do you listen to music offten?: Yep
Do you have .. Nop the shit actin up....Im bout to shut that shit down. If I can't IM then nobody can.
If so,whats ur sn?:
Do you gossip?: If it need to be done, I do it
Do you care more about your social life more than you do about school?: I got my priorities staight
Do you moslty socialize with your friends?: Yep
Friendship life
Who is your best friend?: Nicole
Which friend calls you the most?: Lil Sis- Lette
Which friend IMs you the most?: Can't quite get the im shit together....So fuck it
Which friend understand you the most out of all ur friends?: Lil Sis -GG
Which friend is funnier?: Vincent
Which friend is quiet?: Not even one
Which friend has a temper?: All
Which friend is the girliest?: Lamesa- associate
Which friend cheers you up the most?: Don't know...They all do there share
Which friend has a low self-esteem?: None...We exceed confidence level
Which friend is honest?: Nicole
Which friend holds a grudge for a while?: Chaka
Which friend is flirty?: All
Which friend is the loudest?: Don't know...they compete daily
Love life
Do you have a bf/gf?: Nop
If so,whats their name?:
If not,are you crushin?: Yep
Do you beleive in love?: Yep...that might be the problem
Do you see love at first sight?: Ummmmm Um Um
Do fall for ppl because of their looks?: Sexually, but only on the weekends
Do you hook up with ppl on the internet?: Hell naw... it's some crazy bitches out there
How many bfs/gfs have you had in your entire life?: Oohhhh so when should I start, before or after I came out the pussy
Have you ever had your heart broken?: unfortunately
Have you broken a heart?: yep
Have you been cheated on?: think so
Have you cheated?: Innocent until proven guilty
Do you think sex matters more?: It depends
Have you ever made out?: yep
Image life
What color is your hair?: Sandy brown...coming soon
What color are your eyes?: brown and lovely
What kind of cloths do you wear?: Whatever I like
Do you wear make-up?: Dont need to...Nothing can add to the beauty I already have
Are you punk?: Fuck no
Are you prepy?: When I want to be
Are you gangster?:I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

105 question on your random life
Home life
What do you do when you wake up?: Smile
Do you drink coffee?: Used to
Do you clean your house?: Who doesn't
If so,then what room is the easiest room to clean?: Bathroom
Whats the hardest room?: Kitchen
Do you have siblings?: Ummmm um
If so,how many?: 16
What are their names?: Do you have time...cause I don't
Do you like your siblings?: Sumtimes
Do you get along with your parents?: The one that I have
Do you bond with them?: When we talk about sex
How many pets do you have?: 2
What kind of pets do you have?: Cat and Dog
Which pet is your favorite?: Coffee- the dog
School life
Do you go to highschool,middle school,or college?: College
What is your favorite class?: Don't know yet
What do you have 6th period?: Out of the period life...2 classes Mon-Thurs just how I like it
Who do you hang out with the most in school?: Start in Jan
Whos locker are you next to?: Whoever i'm parked next to in the parking lot...My car


R&B, RAP, JAZZ, BLUES, COUNTRY, REGGAE (I'm a well rounded person okay, DAMN!!!)


Just Cause, Crash, Fun With Dick And Jane, Saw 1&2


Lifetime, Flava Flaaaaav


Pretty Much Anything By Zane


God and My Mom