Full contact fighting (MMA/Boxing), Movies, Games, Web development, Social gatherings, and Sleeping (my personal favorite).
YOU! (safest possible answer)
Mostly an alternative/rock fan. I also enjoy electronic, and even some rap/r&b (sparingly), but avoid country at all costs! Favorite instrument is an accoustic guitar.
Anything and everything. Favorite directors - Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream), Guy Ritchie (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch), David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club), and Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Jarhead) to name a few.
ENTOURAGE, Ultimate Fighter, and the occasional Stargate SG-1/Atlantis thanks to my roommate. Not a huge tv guy.
I'm afraid I fall into the 58% of the US adult population that never reads another book after high school. Well, except for that one book..