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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The only description that can do me justice is: SEXIEST MAN ALIVE.Stop laughing. That was not a joke. I am trying to be emotionally honest and vulnerable. Yet, I find you laughing and ridiculing my heart felt honesty. I will turn this bus around and take you back to school if you do not stop with the incessant giggling! Seriously.Fine! This field trip is over. See if I ever take y'all to visit Amish country ever again!!! Those stupid cows can milk themselves.

My Interests

I like being a professional actor. Not only am I the sexiest, most athletic big-man in the business, I'm also the funniest. (Prove me wrong!)Next, I am prepping to become a professional B.A.S.S. fisherman. Does anyone want to sponser me?Then, I think I shall try my hand as a professional hunter. Maybe even in Africa. Yeah. Elephant killing is on my to-do list. Right next to: Leopard, Lion, Cheetah, Bald and Golden Eagles, and a Great White Shark (or three).

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to make films, and fight the system!!! (And sexy Asian women. Yeah. Definitely some beautiful Asian-American ladies.)


Nirvana, B.B. King, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, Rage Against The Machine, Stevie Ray Vaughan


Anything with Farley.


What are these? You mean like bets? Betting? Gambling? Like bookie?


Farley, Chaplin, Keaton, Belushi, Elvis, Fatty Arbuckle.

My Blog

Here’s a thought on Craigslist.

On Craigslist you can find anything.  Hookers.  Used beds.  Somebody's junk.  Hookers.  But you can also find people who are looking to give away (i.e. sell) their pets. ...
Posted by ZO on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 10:35:00 PST

Living Lohan: the ZO rant!

I think I preface my rants a little too much, but fuck it, here I go again.  I was flipping through the channels when I noticed the premiere of Living Lohan.  I knew it was gonna piss me off...
Posted by ZO on Tue, 27 May 2008 08:29:00 PST

Last Show in the CHI!!!

So my last show in the Chi opened this weekend.  I gotta say: I'm not gonna miss live theatre at all.  AT ALL!!!  It takes up way tooooooo much time, it could never possibly pay enough,...
Posted by ZO on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:48:00 PST

Me and My Sword. (not a euphimism for penis!)

So, I'm working on my script earlier tonight when I hear some drunk idiot yelling out front.  I figure, it's some moron walking down the sidewalk, drunk, yelling for fun.  That happens every...
Posted by ZO on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:44:00 PST

Zo goes gay for just a second, and then comes back.

By gay I don't mean homosexual.  I don't mean taking cock orally or anally.  I simply mean, Zo made his dog a pair of panties.  That's gay. Of course, I can explain.  See, I'm two ...
Posted by ZO on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:42:00 PST

Brief Notes on the Screenplay.

Format got a little fucked up during cut-and-paste. If you've never read a screenplay before: EXT. means Exterior. INT. means Interior. Dialogue is sparse. The shot descriptions are a guide line for t...
Posted by ZO on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:33:00 PST

Sadie and ZO: OUR SHORT FILM (Part 2)

SERIES OF SHOTS   EXT. GRASSY FIELD  SPRING IN WISCONSIN  DAY   Morgan and Sadie play Frisbee in a grassy field.  A WOLF chases Sadie into Morgan's arms.  Morgan carries Sadie,...
Posted by ZO on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:18:00 PST

Sadie and ZO: OUR SHORT FILM (Part 1)

So I wrote this screenplay for my screenwriting class (as I work on my first feature length screenplay).  I wrote it for me and my doggie, and it is seriously kick ass.  This is an updated ...
Posted by ZO on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

Sadie and ZO: OUR SHORT FILM (Part 3)

EXT. INTERSTATE-94  MORGAN'S TRUCK - NIGHT   Morgan speeds down the freeway toward Chicago, weaving in and out of traffic.  Several VEHICLES are forced to pull off the road, out of his way...
Posted by ZO on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:07:00 PST

Sadie Eats a Booger.

Sure.  Some of you can tell where this blog is going before I even start.  But is it really a blog about my dog eating a booger? Yes.  Yes it is. While I was home on break, I had a larg...
Posted by ZO on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:59:00 PST