cHeLsEa♥ profile picture


HeAd OvEr HeeLs3 iLu.

About Me

This layout is from!
sO i aM bAsiCaLLy
tHe LuCkiEsT giRl aLiVe♥
[i♥you c.j.]
a MaLiBu cReW mEmBeR
a CiTy GirL aT hEaRt
a jEaLoUs pErSoN
i LoVe
cOrY jAcOB
[yeah, he is pretty much my everything.]
mY WoNdErFuL BFF's [KaLyN,BrEn,JoRdAn,LaUrEn]
mY CeLL pHoNe
TaB EnErGy dRiNkS
LaTe NiGhTs aT GrEeN's
sLeEpOvErS w/ mY BFF KaLyN
BiG suNgLaSsEs
fLiP fLoPs
tAkiNg PiCtuReS
i HaTe
bAcK sTaBbiNg fRiEnDs tHaT caLL mE tHe BaCk sTaBbEr
wAkiNg uP bEfoRe nOoN
pEopLe tHaT dOn'T LiKe tO bE JuDgEd, YeT jUdGe oThErS
♥MiSs KaLyN:
AKA MY BFF! So you are pretty much the most wonderfulest BFF I have ever had=). Cheering with you is a total blast and I am glad to announce you are offically my newest most wonderful SEAT BUDDY! My life would be lame without our eventful sleepovers... for example, the time you decided to paint googles on my face haha. So I guess I'll admit you're a pretty rad person and I love ya!
♥ JoRdAn & LaUrEn:
sO nOt tHe tWo pEopLe i WouLd PuT tOgEtHeR aS FriEnDs, BuT i GuEsS sOmEoNe nEeDs tO dO LaUrEnS tHiNkiNg, & iT MiNd aS WeLL bE sOmEoNe sMaRt..mY fRiDaY NiGhT sLeEpoVeRs wOuLd bE LaMe WiThOuT yOU gUyS, ♥! PS-JORDAN LOCKER BUDDIES 4 LIFE

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CoUnTrY aLtErNaTiVe oLdiEs HiP hOp/RaP


aNyThiNg w/ OwEn WiLsOn
♥hEs aMaZiNg.


FoR SuRe mY MoM aNd oLdEr SiStErS 3!

My Blog

Spanky Homeless.

Liz takes over Spanky's cage. Spanky is a crazy ass dizzog.   Lizzy is the most amazing white person with grillz that I know. Yeah, thats right.  ...
Posted by cHeLsEa♥ on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 10:34:00 PST