My Niggas!
Ben. Sarah. Jeska.
Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
#1. Marijuana is addictive. The vast bulk of medical research that exists today shows that marijuana is not physically addictive in any way, and the cessation of marijuana use does not lead to withdrawal symptoms as one would find in a tobacco smoker or an alcoholic.
#2. Marijuana is a gateway drug. This can be argued, but the facts are not quite in favor of this theory. In fact, recent studies have shown that tobacco use is a much more solid indicator of hard drug usage down the line.
#3. Marijuana can lead to lung cancer. This has not been proven and studies have been done. While the same carcinogens are present in marijuana smoke as in tobacco smoke, the lung cancer link is not there. Theories about this lack of causation include the possibility that THC itself acts as a protectant against cancerous cells.