{DIS IS MY SISTA CC..I LUV U 2 D3ATH AND U KNO3 DAT AND I MISS U WH3N YOUR NOT AT HOM3 AND I CAN'T WAIT TO COM3 S33 U IN ALABAMA} {DIS TO MY SIS TONI....I STILL LUV U 3V3N THOUGH WE DON'T STAY IN THE HOUSE WE STILL HAVE THE SAME DADDY AND AND LOVES US ALL THE SAME} {DIS TO MY GURL BRI GURL U ARE A GUD FRIEND AND I DON'T KNOE WAT ILL DO W/O YO LOUD AND CRAZY BUTT BUT I LUV U GURL.....SHE GAVE UP ON DATIN FOR A WHILE CAUSE THEY DONT SEEM TO MEET HER REQUIERMENTS ( ERICA) DAT WAS WRONG YOU JUST NEED TO STOP DATIN THE OLD BOIZ AND FIND DA MAN DATS LOOKIN FOR YOU AND READY TO MAKE YOU HAPPY------WORDS FROM BRI JAMES LUV YEA} {CATHERINE YO MY CUZZO AND MY GURL U ALWAYZ THERE WHEN I NEED U AND IM ALWAYZ THERE WHEN U NEED MY AND WE ALWAYZ HAVE FUN 2GETHER THATS Y I LUV U *EPAR* LOL} (Age wow wat to say bout you...basically like my otha friends we have had our ups and downs but still remained friends and just your problems interfered wit our friendship but we cleared that up and im proud to call u one of my friends) {Bri Hunter aka STICKS...Gurl u are my numba 2 hero and u can't live w/o me and u knoe it (cover your mouth lol cough cough) but u are a gud friend and u are there when i need u to tell me to stop talkin bout ppl and im there when u need sumone to talk about you men to lol} {MY CUZZO AND BOI TONY...NIGGA U IS EVERYTHANG TO ME...ANYTIME I NEED SUMTHING U ALWAYZ THERE TO GIVE IT TO ME AND DATS Y I ALWAYZ CAN COUNT ON U} {DREW MI HERMANO..MY NIGGA BOI WHAT WOULD I DO W/O U I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO LIVE U ARE MY BRO AND I CAN TRUST U WIT ANYTHANG AND I LUV U FOR DAT} {chingy,nary, and jazzy yall are my gurls...i luv yall so much and i guess no i knoe ill see yall next year but yall alwayz gonna me my main 3 gurls that i worry about cuz yall got sum problem} Dis Chick rite here wow......basically she a str8 up oreo she is one of da coollest white gurl ive met and im proud to say she is one of my gud friends all i can say is this is shep most of yall knoe him but he a real cool person when u get to knoe him aka tiger woods jr. my cuzzos jocin' on they bitch azz (kiki, tay(my cuzzo from Flordia, and cle) repin' Winfield all day everyday dis gurl rite here is my dog she aint gonna let nuthin pass by her step to her and you'll get put down real quick
i would luv to m33t the p3rson who im gonna sp3nd the r3st of my lif3 wit only 3 ppl know who i want but not g3ttin into dat, i want sumon3 that can communicat3 wit m3 and just lik3 to talk for a long tim3...and sum1 who will b3 willin to sp3nd time wit m3 and not but m3 off just to hang wit yo bois.......................................... Ok these two gurls below there are no words to explain how much i LOVE them....they are here through gud and bad... we've had are rough times but thats wat makes our friendship more stronger i can truelly say i can trust these gurls wit my life (even though not in a car cuz courtney can't drive and tries to kill us in the car) but other than that i can say when i need sumone or they need sum one, one of us are alwayz there to talk...i am much older than both of them but courtney is like the grandma and christina is like the mother and they try to stop me from makin bad decisions in life and without them im not sure if i could make it through like cuz there are sum fake ppl in this world but these 2 are long wayz away from being fake and all i got to say is i love yall wit all my heart
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Da Holy Bible (and not just at church)
i look up mainly to one p3rson.......Jesus Christ just b3caus3 of all the things h3 w3nt through in his lif3 but h3 n3v3r gav3 up he always k3pt going and did what h3 had to do and my momma and daddy