I'd like to meet "you know who" under da SHEETS! DO U HERR MAE!!!!
Who`s your best friend? Janice Piggy Ivoryanna Patterson
Who`s the funniest friend you have?
Who`s the craziest friend you have? Charrele
Who`s the weirdest friend you have? T- Rocca
who`s your dumbest friend? Day-Day
senseless friend? Darrell
hottest friend? Del
prettiest friend? Piggy
friend with the best teeth? reese
friend with the best advice? Lil john, Howard, Piggy, & Charrele
friend with the fullest calendar? What da TRUCK!
hungriest friend? Charrele, Neka, Reese
tallest? Tk
most athletic? Howard, Neka, & reese
group of friends that are inseperable? Howard, Lil john, Del, Piggy, Day- Day, Reese, Neka, Relli, Bruce, Mikey, & Tiff
best dressed? Bruce, Howard, Lil John, & Darrell
who smells the best? Bruce
who`s the biggest computer nerd you know?
smartest? Piggy
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2coolphoto / Layouts , Frazy.com
First Name: Delvon
Middle Name: De Shaun
Birthday: 9-6-90
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Fav color: yellow
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: shrimp
Do you ever wish you had another name? no
Do you like anyone? yea
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Piggy
Who's the loudest? Terri
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Mykeisha
Who's the shyest:
Are you close to any family members? ma mom
When you cried the most: @ ma grandpa and kissys funeral
What's the best feeling in the world:
Worst Feeling: an ass whuppin
Let's walk on the: lake
Let's run through: rain
Let's look at the: you know whats
What a nice: um
Where did all the: food go?
Why can't you: shout up!!!!!!!!
Silly, little: punk
Tell me: where 2 go
Ran away from home: naw
Pictured your crush naked: ummm,vgdtgbyh
Skipped school: naw
Broken someone's heart: yea
Been in love: I THOUGHT I WAS
Cried when someone died: yea
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: NAW! LOOK@ ME! im just playin yea.
Done something embarrassing: dont know
Done a drug: naw
Cried in school: yea man
Your Good Luck Charm:
Person You Hate Most: Ashton
Best Thing That Has Happened: Bettin Aston up
Ice Cream: Vanilla
WHO Makes you laugh the most:
Makes you smile: Ma Cuzo Jah kayla
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yea
Fallen for your best friend?: yea
Made out with JUST a friend?: yea
Kissed two people in the same day?: yea
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: naw
Been rejected: .
Been in love?: kjdhgdsjkfgeykdfklfdhkgrjkghdthkleghjfdih
Been used?: nnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww
Done something you regret?: yea
Cheated on someone?: naw dat