SNOWBOARDING-the love of my life............ive been around the mountain a few times if you know what i mean, LOL, hahah, na dude, ive done that shit since i was 15, i grew up in Wv, i wouldnt spend my winter any other way
bob, yeah nicole you feel the love (shes down for bob to) poor bastard.......
___THE STORY OF BOB---__theres this guy with the worlds biggest fucking mouth, (and hes a pedafile, did i mention he was a pedafile, just ask him about that little walk he so badly wanted us to go on.....any who), this large mouthed fellow (cough-chrisfrum-cough) we got his number and use to call him all hours (and i mean ALL hours) of the NIGHT, figured we should wake the asshole up, some times his mom would answer, and she was strange, like a kid, she would play along and as much as she protested, im sorry shes not 37 ok, i dunno it would creep me out, i mean come on "a bag of fritos"? no....... other times his loveable "brother" bob would answer, bob was ssslow, hahaha, it was so cool and sometimes he would cry, i loved that thing, we would call him and talk for so fucking long, and as it would turn out, one faiteful day, that the gig was up, we cought her, bob was chris's mom! (told you she was strange) that hoe.......and we believed it for like 2yrs, 2 YEARS
some times good byes the only way..... (ok so ive just moved and lost every thing for god is it the 2nd or third time now? i guess going on 3....what happens when i move from here? huh? what happens when i leave again, will it hurt this time? eh, who knows, maybe i cant feel any more....maybe its from all the crack...hahah...maybe...
*******~~**READ THIS**~~*******________the first daughter asks her dad, "dad how did i get my name?" and the dad says "well when we brought you home from the hospital a rose pedal fall on your cheek so we named you rose" and the second daughter asked "daddy, how did i get my name?!" and the father answers, "when we were taking you home from the hospital a snowflake fell on your face, and so we named you snowflake" and the third daughter says, "dweedle dee daydedo, dlalda da?" and the father says "what? i have no idea what your saying CINNDERBLOCK!!!!!-hahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
we laughed away the sun burn as we laughed away the day, what we lost means nothing because the memories will stay.....
--You're at a party-- Dont ask me how you were invited, either your host is very forgiving or he has a very short term memory. Or else he realizes that it was partly his fault. Why else would he be bragging about his new fire proof mattress if he didnt expect you to try it out. and yes in hindsight it is pretty ovbious that just because the mattress is fireproof doesnt mean that the sheets and antique quilt are as well. any who, thats all water under the bridge (the same water, in fact that you threw the burning quilt into to put it out)
my hero, that would be chris frum, any one with a face that ugly, who still has the will to wake up every morning, and not cry.........thats strength, HAHAHAHAAA apparently "thats not very nice" hahahahah omg hahahah dude, COME TO MY WORK NOW BITCH, hahahahah i dare you!!! (i totaly know your gonna show up, hahahah AHHHHH lol.....sorry, HAHAHH)