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De raÃzes Punk Rock, surgia em 1997 a banda REDSKADU.
hoje em 2008 a banda Redskadu é:
B.J - guitarra Vocal
Fagner - baixo e vocal
Felippe - bateria
A banda esta lançando seu novo cd chamado "Promessas" com 9 músicas
inéditas e 4 do album antigo cujo o nome era o mesmo da banda Redskadu lançado em 2003, álbum que vendeu mais de 50 mil cópias e teve uma ótima repercurssão no cenário independente afirmando a banda cada vez mais no mundo underground .___________________________________________________________
TEL: (011) 3227-2202 / 8567-0077
Cavalcantee-mail:[email protected]____________________
******** Biography of the Band REDSKADU *************
Of raÃzes Punk Rock, band REDSKADU appeared in 1997. Everything started through simple hobbie in 1996 middle. To the few thearrangements of the composed letters for BJ had been working until leaving first musics, that they portraied daily and therealities that happened with them, letters that with very good mood escrachavam everything. With a repertoire ofapproximately ten proper musics the band starts to touch in parties of streets, parties of friends, colleges, until startingto touch in the first bars and houses of shows as Noble 33, Villa Rock, Morrison, Manifesto, among others. The band alsostarts to participate of festivals and starts to touch in diverse places of São Paulo. First worked musics, "Had turned Methe Coasts" and "Full Bag" had surprised the band with the reply of the young public who frequented the places where theREDSKADU went to touch, therefore always had somebody singing one of musics of the band. For consequence, in a short statedperiod of time single of the band came the writing of 1º, in 2001, with the bands: "They had turned Me the Coasts", "FullBag", "Proud", "Where You Are", "Pra Says Me" and "Pra Goes Excrement". In approximately 7 months, already it had vendidoabout 950 copies, and with passing of the time, already they had 4 a thousand vendidas copies more than twirling for SãoPaulo, mark that symbolized all the determination that the band had. With the chances appearing band REDSKADU starts to workin the interior of São Paulo being placed its musics in diverse local radios, making sound to the living creature andacoustic in many of the same ones, such as Chieftain FM, the main radio of Sorocaba, Convention Am and FM of Itú, amongothers, touching in bars and houses of shows of the regions. Taken for the fiction and pleasure to show to a different soundand with attitude, band REDSKADU the compact disc of same name of band, "REDSKADU" launches in February of 2003, that he wascomposed for three bands of single and excessively unknown musics that were: "What To make", "Lost In My Room", "My Thought","Ska", "I Speak What To want", "Wise person" and "Not to look for to You". With this compact disc, the band obtained to firmitself in the independent scene. The official launching was made by magazine MTV in the edition of October of 2003, magazinethat detached some sounds as "They had turned Me the Coasts", "I Not Wise person", "Full Bag" and "It speaks What To want".In 2004 the band also got many conquests as to have its musics "Full Bag" and "They had turned Me the Coasts" touched in theradios 89 FM and Brazil 2000, the main radios of the sort rock of São Paulo. E thus the band follows showing its sounds fordiverse places, touching with diverse bands of some regions of the country. reale editore beste profiletools REDSKADU Agenda de Shows
JV PRODUÇÕES TEL: (011) 3227-2202 / 8567-0077 Cavalcante