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First Name: aida
Middle Name: ????
Birthday: 1-23-84
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Fav color: black
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: pizza FRIENDS AND LIFE
Do you ever wish you had another name? no do u?
Do you like anyone? yeah u could say that
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? none i'm 1 of a kind
Who's the loudest? dulce of course
Who have you known the longest of your friends? chichi & damaris and jennifer
Who's the shyest: carlita
Are you close to any family members? didi
When you cried the most: 2007 was a bad year
What's the best feeling in the world: not giving a fuck
Worst Feeling: nothing can faze me FINISH EACH SENTENCE:
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: park
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: car
Where did all the: weed go
Why can't you: love me
Silly, little: hoes
Tell me: you want me HAVE YOU:
Ran away from home: a few times
Pictured your crush naked: maybe
Skipped school: oh yeah
Broken someone's heart: i hope not
Been in love: yeah 2 bad 4 me right
Cried when someone died: wouldn't you
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: who hasn't
Done something embarrassing: 2 many 2 count
Done a drug: gotta smoke that herb
Cried in school: not that i recall RANDOM
Your Good Luck Charm: jesus
Person You Hate Most: hate is such a strong word but there's a few
Best Thing That Has Happened: having my famliy around me
Ice Cream: vanilla
WHO Makes you laugh the most: me, myself & i.....i'm fucking funny
Makes you smile: anything puts a smile on my face
Has A Crush On You: no names but he knows who he is
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: something like that HAVE YOU EVER
Fallen for your best friend?: once got over it
Made out with JUST a friend?: been there done that
Kissed two people in the same day?: maybe
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: nope not that kinda girl
Been rejected: . i guess
Been in love?: yup not trying that again
Been used?: oh yeah
Done something you regret?: why regret if u cant take it back
Cheated on someone?: only once neva again
Been called a tease: no WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON...
You touched?: miguel angel
You talked to on the phone?: miguel
You hugged?: my nephew nathan
You instant messaged?: danny
You kissed?: no comments
You yelled at?: fredo
Who text messaged you?: carla
Who broke your heart?: a dickhead i'm over it
Who told you they loved you?: a liar CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!What can I say what you see is what you get......I'm not one for games......I try to keep it as real as possible......I'm not here for drama so take that shit some where else.......I like to live life cause you never what tomorrow will bring.........make every moment count dont regret what you've done there's no point its not like you can undo whats been done....... girls layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments
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