Sean is my name. I'm a senior this year at DCHS and can't really complain about how things are going for me right now. For the most part I try to live an honest life. Thats probably because I love God more than anything else. I also like gaming & lan-parties, hanging with friends, and family.
A couple months ago I joined the U.S. Air Force instead of deciding to continue on to Purdue like I had planned. Yay me. I think this is going to be one of the best decisions of my life, despite what alot of other people think about it. But who cares anyways? You can''t please anybody but yourself. But I'll be back in four years if I don't get hooked ; ). And whats up with some of these girls at school lately? Come on, did you honestly think I was a loser until these last few weeks? Probably, but it was all well worth it for me. Life starts now. And if your still reading, I can tell you that the last four years of my life ultimately determined how I am going to approach the rest of my life. And I guess I missed one too many parties in high school, because I still don't know what it means to have REAL fun. If you hadn't ntoiced, I didnt sit here and bitch about how life sucks, and how life is short because the truth is, life is only what you make it. Veni, Vidi, Vici, (I came, I saw, I conquered) Peace, Love, '08.
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