In case you were wondering why I have a MySpace page, here it is:
I have 2 ulterior motives:
I am a minister of the Gospel and
getting to know "strangers" is the way God would have me reach out to
the lost. Check out my ministry blog here:
I own several web based businesses and hope to build them by building friendships and relationships ... Check them out here:
I see ministers & other Christians segregate themselves and only talk to each other. When do we reach out to the population in general?
I'm not a "Super-Saint" so don't expect me to fit your mold of a "perfect" Christian. I live the life God gave me to the best of my ability and walk the walk I believe He is guiding me in. I try to live by this acronym: WDJD (translation: What Did Jesus Do?) Instead of asking "what WOULD He do?" I read His Word to try and emulate "what DID He do?"
I truly believe that as a person thinks, so that person becomes.
To That end, I daily feed my mind with positive input toward my goal of “enlightenment.”
I go by seven basic principles:
To fuel these principles, I repeat a set of affirmations every morning before I start my day.
Drop me a line and I can share this list with you and we can walk this journey together: [email protected]
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