~ ♥iF OnLy WoRdS cOuLd TeLl♥~ profile picture

~ ♥iF OnLy WoRdS cOuLd TeLl♥~

~*..LoVe OnE FoR LiFe *~

About Me

HeRe I aM aGAiN cHaNgInG tHiS tHiNg.. LoL.. =] wELl My NaMe iS *IvOnE*, iM aNoThEr YeAR oLdEr jUsS tUrNeD 20 YeArS olD.. JUnE bAbY! jUnE 13tH to bE eXact!..hehe.. yUp a bEaUtIfUl GeMiNi! Im 100% oF hOt LatiN bEauTY!..yEAH MExIcAN baBy! thaTs rIghT and VeRy ProUd oF iT! I aM rEaLlY OuTGOiNg.. aNd aM vErY EaSy TO tALk TO.. i LoVe TO pLAy sPoRTs ANd Be ACtIVe aNd OuT dOoRs.. I LovE to HanG ouT witH fRIeNds.. aNd i LoVE gOiN to tHe bEACH!! oH LovE tHe WaTeR.. I aM sTiLl cUrRenTly AtTenDiNg ChAbOt cOlLeGe.. gOt 2 mOrE sEmEsTeRs TO gO!! tHEn iTS oFf TO wHAt iM hOpIn fOR is SaN DiEGo StAtE!! YAy YA!! =] BeEn WAntIn tO gO thERe fOR quiTe sOmE bIt.. WeLl I fInIsHeD pLaYiN mY tWO yEArS oF sOcCeR fOr ChAbOt..AnD aLsO FiNiSHEd mY twO YeARs Of DivInG/SwImMiNg ThERe TOo.. =[ sO iM rEaLlY sAd.. bUt gOoD tHiNg iM sTiLl kEEpIn IN ShaPe aNd sTiLl gOt tHe AtHleTiC bOdY.. =0D.. I aM aLsO wOrKiN aT a Day CaRE.. cUz i LoVE kIDs.. i LovE wOrKiNg wItH thEM.. bUt dOnT wANt aNy oF mY oWn uNtIl Im MaRRiEd ANd SeTtlEd.. HAha... SO wOrKiN wItH dEm aT tHe mOmEnt iS aLl i AsK fOr.. LoL.. BuT yeA.. ThaTs pREtTy MuCH iT!! aNyThiNG eLsE u WaNnA kNoE juSS aSK.. aDioS!
How you really say "I love you." by lenatheraven
...believe in true love?
Your hands say I'm always here even if you have to reach for me.
Your eyes say You're amazing.
Your hugs say Nothing I desire compares with you.
Your kisses say I almost can't believe you love me.
Your body says I want to wake up beside you.
Your heart says I love you.
Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

umm i think basicly i can get to meet a whole lot of different people..cuz everyone has there own uniqueness..(umm is that even a word?..) but yeah.. juss looking forward to making new friends..

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