SOCCER!!! Borussia Mönchengladbach and the real FC...FC Liverpool, partying,partying,partying,traveling the world want to see Canada, Iceland,Jamaica for a;), South Africa,South America, Sweden and Finland, inline skating(marathon) listening to music, travel with friends to football matches by this way giving shit to cologne fans
my grandpa..sView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Böhse Onkelz,Hammerfall,Rage Against the Machine, Metallica, Nirvana,Hilltop Hoods, Funkoars, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Hatebreed, Disturbed, The Poodles, Korn, Die Ärzte,Alice Cooper, black Sabbath, Rammstein,Guns 'N' Roses,AC/DC, Manowar ,Ozzy, Jack Johnson, Grinspoon,Rob Zombie, White Zombie,Oba Simba, Bob Marley etc. Everything which doesn..t sound like commercial shit =)
Kite runner,BRA BOYS,300, Hot Fuzz,Final Destination I-III,Wolf Creek ;), Last Samurai,Terminal,Castaway, Simpsons the Movie
Sport....Family Guy, The simpsons, TV tOTAL, Stromberg, Stern TV, Reportagen, Documentarys
Stephan King books whene they are not to plump ;)Rich dad poor dad...etc
my cousin he was a big idol for me !! Sad that he is dead...