go JON! profile picture

go JON!

its like something out of norman rockwell,......a boy and his narcoleptic dog"

About Me

The Jonny Every Once in a While

News I dont know,.....spiritual enlightenment sounds great and all,.....but i love material possesions way too much. i like money too,....and having it,....and flashing it,.....and frikkin,....if i could buy expensive ass suits,.........hell yeah,......dont look down on ME! "BUDDHA",...with your,.....effing,....life of sheltered luxury, "this palace and its decadence BORES me father,.....i think ill go,...and become a spiritual leader,....i require MORE excitement out of life! farewell!"...greedy ass buddha,.....always wanting more,............yeah,...if only there was a way i could balance those two things out,.....i dont like being poor,.....and i dont like being spiritually unfulfilled,.......whats that? stop desiring things? that tahts the only way to balance my love of materialism with my spiritual emptiness? (using the word spirit too much in this ramble/essay/blog,...) SHUT UP BUDDHA!!! of COURSE you want me to stop desiring things! its so easy! "OH? yorue on fire?,...and you want this bucket of water here, the one im holding? you know what thats called jonathan?.....its called greed,.....if you stop desiring things,....you will be free of pain and suffering (budhist bow) go forth my son,...and now i will ring this bell and light this incense,.....dont you feel better?......j,.....jonathan?,......thats allright,...dont be alarmed everyone!,...he has simply become so enlightened,...that his body has now transcended its physical state,...becoming an unsightly charred mess, with um,....spiritual,..powers.....yeah,...yeah,...hes one of those,....praying mummy types,...PLEASE!,....feel free to pray unto the corpse and chant a short prayer. (buddhist bow) go forth my children,...and spread the word of this brave souls sacrafice (rings bell)."
hey,...i dig buddhism and all,....but everyonce in a while i just wanna criticize it some,...like ALL things,.....i dont know,.....i dont wanna just accept something and shut my mouth,...imma argue my point blindly, WRONG or not!
(sigh).///i just hate being poor,...but i dont feel i should have to apologise for feeling that way! g'dammit,...ive been poor all my life, i can ACCEPT it,...and LIVE with it,.....and have a somewhat fulfilling life, but i aint gotta like it,....now gimmie my money! (stab)....yeah yeah,...and i dont wanna hear this whole arguement about "not having anything makes you more humble, and it makes you appreciate the things you have,..and money doesnt matter,,...friends, family and health do!" yeah well,...thats great n all,....but i ALSO, want a MOPED for christmas, allright?
ARGH....just a thought. i gotta develop it more.
REAL NEW YEARS RESOLUTION(s) 1. lose weight 2. quit smoking 3. cut back drinkin' (at least until the point where i border on charming and belligerent) 4. be responsible/organized. 5. improve personal hygiene. (ironed shirts and flossed teeth) 6. cut back on awkwardness. (more clark gable-like) 7. become a muay thai champion. 8. make some BI-zank. 9. rock and roll. 10. focus on my career.
a Joncorp Production
You Are a Freedom Rocker!
You're stuck in the 70s - for better or worse
Crazy hair, pot soaked clothes, and tons of groupies
Your kind showed the world how to rock
Is that freedom rock?... Well turn it up man! What Kind of Rocker Are You? .. ..

My Interests

I need more hobbies. anyway, my interests include: being angry, skateboards, guitars, i pods, not-flossing, internet, gym, writing, movie makin', long walks by the beach, paper mache, japan, france, making up fake interests to seem more interesting, coffee and cigs.

I'd like to meet:

celebrities. historical figures. religious figures. sexy supermodels. etc.if any of the above apply,... SN: samuraideathstar
WARNING: " dont press this button!, after a few times, something might happen (ah-wink!)


Rock and/or Roll, K-rth, punk rock, very select hip hop. 80's new wave.


Wayne's World,Desperado, from dusk till dawn, robocop, home alone 1 & 2, willy wonka, quick and the dead, fight club


THIRD ROCK!, simpsons,discovery channel, conan, Superstation,....adult swim


The Great Gatsby. Frankenstein. The Things They Carried. all sorts of "idiot's guide to's- " and "-for dummies" books,....classic litterature and other stuff i cant think up right now. OH YEAH! and HARRY POTTER! GRYFFINDOR IN DA HOUSE!

My Blog


Will:  hey! listen, i came to learn karate from the greatest karate master ever!,...you know, ,...i wanna be like steven seagall! Karate Master:  oh,.....you wanna be a bad actor? (laug...
Posted by go JON! on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:39:00 PST


"Evel kanevel? thats a good name. how do you like it?" "i dunno, i havent got used to it" "well, ...someday that name will mean something"          &n...
Posted by go JON! on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 02:13:00 PST


"there is more to life than just profits!!" "really?.....like what?" "um,.......y...y ' know,...like slurpees n' stuff               ...
Posted by go JON! on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 09:45:00 PST


"you can't stop HOPING, just because something is HOPELESS!!! you have to hope even harder!!! and when reason starts rearing its ugly head, you put your hands in your ears and go LALALALALALA!!!!...
Posted by go JON! on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 03:24:00 PST


"welllllll when life gives you lemons,.........you SHUT up and eat the damn lemons"                   ...
Posted by go JON! on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 11:38:00 PST


WOMEN!....can't live with em,....can't have heterosexual sex without em...                        ...
Posted by go JON! on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 04:52:00 PST