jordan n joycelyns mommy! profile picture

jordan n joycelyns mommy!

"ThE GiFt Of GoD Is LiFe ~ThE WaGEs Of SiN Is DeAtH

About Me



Awesome <

*~AiN't ThAt ThE DaMn TrUtH~*
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ThE oNlY mAn I nEeD iN mY lIfE...I lOvE yOu My HaNdSoMe LiL mAn!!!


My NaMe Is ApRiL, I hAvE 2 AwEsOMe KiDs...JoRdAn (WhO iS mY LiL dEviIl) An My DaUgHtEr JoYcElYn (WhO iS mY lIl AnGeL)...Im Am a StAy~@~HoMe~MoM fOr NoW aN lOvE mY kIdS wItH eVeRy BeAt Of My HeArT.My KiDs cOmE bEfOrE aNyOnE oR aNyThInG.I hAvE sOmE oF tHe BeSt FrIeNdS a GiRl CaN fInD...tHeReS nOt tO mAnY pEoPlE iN tHiS wOrLd U cAn TrUsT aN wHeN u FiNd ThOsE cErTaIn PeOpLe U nEvEr LeT tHeM gO.To mE,tHeY aRe JuSt LiKe FaMiLy An AlWaYs WiLl bE.AlL iT tAkEs Is 4 1 SeCoNd In Ur LiFe 4 EvErYtHiNg 2 ChAnGe, So ChErIsH wHaT u HaVe An NEVER fOrGeT tHoSe ThAt U hAvE lOsT aN hAvE bLeSsEd U wItH tHeIr PrEsSeNcE iN uR lIfE aN lEfT aN eTeRnAl ImPrEsSiOn In Ur SoUl ThAt WiLl LaSt 4 A lIfEtImE~

U will always have my heart i luv u son luv mommy

My Interests

Jordan & Joycelyn "My kids are world"

I lIkE fIsHiN,hANgIn By ThE lAkE,rIdIn ArOuNd,WaTcHiNg ThE rAiN fAlL,sItTiN @ HoMe aN wAtChIn MoViEs,LiStEnInG tO mUsIc,Im MoRe oF a LaYeD bAcK gO wItH tHe FlOw KiNdA GaL.nOt ReAlLy InTo ClUbBiN aNyMoRe GoT tHaT oUtTa mY sYsTeM a LoNg TiMe AgO,gOiN oUt To ThE bAr EvErY nOw An AgAiN,sHoOt'N sOmE pOoL aNd ThE bEsT pArT oF sUmMeR GrIlL'n OuT wItH mY fRiEnDs An LeTtIn ThE kIdS rUn FrEe.. 34e59425418db3b102b9ec71f3058041.gif

I'd like to meet:

PeOpLe ThAt KnOW tHe TrUe MeAnInG oF tRuSt,HoNeStY,lOyAlTy,& ReSpEcT...

LoL We AlL KnOw Who ThIs GoEs Too!BiTcH dOnT Be MaD I GoT SoMeThiN U'lL NeVeR HaVe!!!

LiFe'S AbOuT ChAnGeS
NoThInG EvEr StAyS ThE SaMeMoMmIeS LiL AnGeL BaBiEs
JoYcElYn N JoRdAn


I lIsTeN tO pReTtY mUcH aNyThInG iT aLl DePeNdS oN mY mOoD rEaLlY...


AnYtHiNg WiTh AdAm SaNdLeR iN iT!!!I lOvE oLd ChEeSy ScArY mOvIeS tHeReS A CoUpLe NeWeR ScArY ThAt I lIkE...aN wHaT gIrL dOeSnT lIkE a TeAr JeRkEr EvErY nOw An AgAiN.


CSI,ThE hIlls,HoUsE....ThE lIsT gOeS oN!



I lIkE tO rEaD bUt NeVeR rEaLlY hAvE aLoNe TiMe To AcTuAlLy EnJoY iT..bUt I lIkE StEpHeN KiNg BoOkS.


My KiDs,DaD,& mY mEmE aRe mY hErO's...

My DaD rAiSeD mE So Of CoUrSe I'lL AlWaYs Be:
always and forever!!!
*~U 2 HaVe ThE KeY 2 My HeArT~*
sHe LoVeS hEr BiG BrOtHeR!!!!

AlWaYs Be My BaByGiRl

AlWaYs B mY LiL Boy!!!

My Blog


everything is going great! joycelyn is walking n talking an is all over the place jordan is doing great in school an as for me im dating an awesome guy i might have found a real man only time will tel...
Posted by jordan n joycelyns mommy! on Sun, 25 May 2008 11:30:00 PST

GeTtIn My GiRlIsH FiGuRe baCk!!! IM SOOO HAPPY!

Okay so i went to see the surgeon today to find out about that huge nott in my stomach! I was right ! i have 1 massive hernia from having 2 c~sections! but the best thing ever is that while they will ...
Posted by jordan n joycelyns mommy! on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 03:17:00 PST

Dreams come true...

No balls, no chains to tie me down, my true colors shine through to hide the frowns. Of choices made an friends left behind, to take care of two angels that Im proud to call mine.They give me the stre...
Posted by jordan n joycelyns mommy! on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:03:00 PST

To my precious babies!!! Luv mommy

Dear JORDAN AND JOYCELYN, Everytime I look at you, I can't believe that I had in me all this time the power to create such  perfect children as you. As I hold you close to my heart, I pray that I...
Posted by jordan n joycelyns mommy! on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:38:00 PST

~LeT iT gO~

There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this. When people can walk away from you, let them walk.I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, l...
Posted by jordan n joycelyns mommy! on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 05:55:00 PST