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Carla Diratz + Sébastien Casino + Marius Welker (improvisations) from sebastien casino on Vimeo .
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Sébastien Casino aka Morse
envoyé par jimflech ..
Sebastien Casino was born in 1978 in a small town near Montpellier, south of France. Known as Ewae in the mid 90's, hosting radio shows and promoting parties, he became involved in numerous bands as a turntablist, (Mon Rythme Is Broken, Aurelien's Rude Awakening, I-N Fused, Clotaire K...) and has realized more than 200 concerts worldwide.
The year 1999 was to see the birth of Acoustik Addiction, original mixtapes series gathering the independent hip hop scenetunes. Remaining ambitious, he creates Mimicry, a turntablism trio in the year 2000, and organizes The Presha (meetings, jam sessions between turntablists and musicians). He left home in September 2003, and relocated in London to accomplish what was going to be his first solo attempt.
He came back to Montpellier in july 2004 to dedicate himself to the independent label The Groove Of Satyre, and joined the groups L'Homme Aux 1000 Visages and L'Autre Moitié De L'Homme as a rapper and electronic drummer under the name Morse.
Sebastien then got involved in the creation of Dialogue And Random phase I and II, first releases of the label The Groove Of Satyre in 2005 and 2006. Both these vinyl records are now 2 classics in the history of the scratch tool / sound library. He was in charge of the label's distribution, promotion and graphic design.
At the same period, he became part of the band Double U for its electro folk project, participating within each of the songs of their new album "Bosphorus".
Sebastien is producing what he defines as post- rap or progressive rap, influenced by an artists panel such as Magma, Artzoyd, Company Flow, Sun Ra, Brian Eno, Antipop Consortium or The Residents.
Thick, complex or simple and powerful, this music is made of collage where sounds bangs against each others under menacing climates, filled with imagery.
The production, scratches, lyrics and voices are done by himself,testifying evidence of his will to explore and melt various spectres of the musical creation to invent his own, making light of tendencies.
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