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Clube de Cristo

I am here for Friends

About Me

Welcome to Clube de Cristo Ministries.

[+] About.

The Clube de Cristo Ministries was born on the City of Nova Lima in the state of Minas Gerais in the southeast of Brazil. Our state is recognized in all country like a land of worshippers, but more than a simple club of Christians, the Christ's Club dreamed by Reginaldo Fernando, the leader, by the God inspiration is a club of Christians that preach the Jesus's life and carrying the salvation to people in need through a missionary worship, evangelism and urban missions.

[+] Our faith.

We believe that Jesus is able to change lives, the bible says that He did it during all Your life, in each place that walked and with each life that found. Today it is not different. A lot of people are living without a true love and they are trying to look for it in things that them nape will find, but Jesus want to find and to change those lives. We raise up ourselves in His name because we believe in Your power.

[+] Our mission.

This is the mission that Jesus has put in our hearts:

    To preach the Christ's Gospel to everyone and to share the God's love; To worship God with all our life, strengths and talents; To be recognized by the Jesus's name in all nations of Earth; To bless families around the world and to take Salvation to needy people

[+] Our message.

" Wherever you are, whatever you do, no matter how you are, Jesus will catch up to you and He will change your life. Who will go for Him? We ."

[+] Our prayer for you.

Our prayer is that you would discover the Savior of World... Jesus. His birth, His life and His death represent the great love that God has for you.

All you need to do is accept Jesus as your Personal Savior. He has a brand new life for you and He is able to bring to reality all the dreams of you heart.

If you want to accept He now, make this your prayer...

Dear Jesus,

I want Your love in my life, I need Your grace to save me, come into my heart, change my life and all my ways. Thank You for Your love and thank You for dying on the cross for me. I confess that You are the Lord. Now I'm a Christian and You live in me. I will live my life for You and I will follow You forever.


If you have prayed this prayer today, we would love to know about it! Please contact us.

Clube de Cristo, Jesus to you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Todas as pessoas que já entregaram suas vidas à Jesus e que são totalmente apaixonadas por Ele.

My Blog

De volta para casa

    Texto base: Lucas 15:11-24   Conta a Bíblia que um homem tinha dois filhos, certa vez o filho mais moço chegou ao pai e disse que queria toda a sua parte da herança, pois estava dec...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 12:57:00 GMT

O caminho da vida

Ao Clube de Cristo, Graça e paz.   Ainda que a minha carne e o meu coração desfaleçam, Deus é a fortaleza do meu coração e a minha herança para sempre.(Salmos 73:26)     Todos nós que p...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 12:53:00 GMT