Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user~~I'm nOt pErFeCt. I'm JuSt mE. AnD. I LiKe ThAt eVeN bEttEr. nOrMaL iS bOrIng! I'm NoT a GeNiUs, bUt I'm iNteLLiGeNt. I'm nOt BeAuTiFuL, bUt I'm FaBuLoUs. I'm A hUgE DoRk. AnD. a LiTTle wEiRd. I cAn bE dITzY & SiLLy. I LaUgH aT ThINgS tHaT HaPPeNed AgEs aGo. aNd. I sNoRt wHeN I gIGgLe. sO wHaT. I cAn'T wiStLe. I LoVe tHe FaLL. AnD. I lOvE PLaYiNg iN ThE LeAvEs & cOoL bReEzEs ArE pReCiOus. My FaV cOLoR iS PiNk. I LoVe To WriTe. aNd. I HaVe mY OwN vOcAbULaRy. I'm ShY, yEt OuTspOkEn. MuSiC=LoVe. I'm cLumSy. AnD. I cAn'T wALk iN hEaLs. fLiPfLopS aRe CrUciAL. I LoVe tHe rAiN, bUt I hAtE tHuNdErsToRmS. I'm iMpATieNt aNd sArCaStiC. aNd. I'm A pErFeCtiOniSt. AnD. I cAn bE tOo eMoTiOnAL. ~~ Regardless, I love God; he made me what I am, and gave me what I have. And I'm happy with me. I am loved. I am thankful. I am blessed. Family and friends are vital, don't take the ones you love for granted. Each day is precious, take it and embrace it. Live with intention, and no regrets. Walk to the edge. Take chances. Have no fear. Stand up for what you believe in. Be random. Be original. "Dare to be different.. life is too short to blend in." Listen hard. Laugh as much as you breath. Trust in God. Love as long as your heart beats. "Life is simple, the world makes it hard." Hate is easy, love takes courage.My family is my life. Without them there's no sense in getting up each day. They make my life worth living. I have two beautiful boys, which I love soooooo freakin much!!! My lady killer, Eli is 6 years old. He goes to Calhoun Primary and he's the smartest cookie I know! He loves cars, video games, baseball, football, puzzles, singing, and karate. I'm so proud of him. And the baby, Landyn is 11 months now. He's walking almost perfect. He sure is a tough booger; falling constantly but hardly crys. He's so gorgeous like his daddy... my husband, Alex. I am what I am because of him... He is my rock! We balance each other out, he is my best friend, and I love him with all that I am!
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