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About Me .. name="Keywords" content="Broadband, Web Design, Secure, ASP Programming, Access2, Internet Services, Shoppinglinx, Businesslinx, cost-effective, Solutions, Networking, Domain Registration, Domain Transfer, Hosting, Search engine registration, Software and hardware maintenance, India Mill Centre, Darwen" .. name="Description" content=" supplies a full range of services, including website design and hosting, installation of networks, supply of hardware and software design." .. name="revisit-after" content="15 Days" .. name="reply-to" content="[email protected]" .. name="Rating" content="General" .. name="Pragma" content="no-cache" .. name="Language" content="en" .. name="Distribution" content="Global" .. name="Copyright" content="Copyright © 2003" .. name="Classification" content="Internet Services" .. name="Author" content="".. language="JavaScript" src="/Public/a2/includes/scripts.js".. .. language="JavaScript" function winTest() { if(winOpen) { if(a2popWin.closed) winOpen = false; else a2popWin.focus() } } .. .. href="includes/a2stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css".."winTest()" class="scroll"
.."location.href='/Public/a2/a2.asp'"HOME .."location.href='/Public/a2/Broadband.asp'"INTERNET .."location.href='/Public/a2/domain.asp'"DOMAIN .."location.href='/Public/a2/solutions.asp'"SOLUTIONS .."location.href='/Public/a2/services.asp'"SERVICES .."location.href='/Public/a2/company.asp'"COMPANY .."selected('contact')"CONTACT .."top.location.href=' re'"LOGIN
.."selected('blank')" Access2
.."application(' cation.asp')"APPLICATION FORM .."contact('Contact.asp')"E-MAIL ACCESS2
.."location.href='/Public/a2/broadband.asp'"BROADBAND .."location.href='/Public/a2/searchengine.asp'"SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING
.."location.href='/Public/a2/domain.asp'"DOMAIN REGISTRATION .."location.href='/Public/a2/domain_t.asp'"DOMAIN TRANSFER
.."location.href='/Public/a2/solutions.asp'"ONLINE PURCHASING SYSTEM .."location.href='/Public/a2/solutions_cms.asp'"CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .."location.href='/Public/a2/solutions_adsl.asp'"ADSL/BROADB AND
.."location.href='/Public/a2/services.asp'"CUSTOM BUILT SERVERS .."location.href='/Public/a2/services.asp'"NETWORK INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE .."location.href='/Public/a2/services_web.asp'"WEB DESIGN .."location.href='/Public/a2/services_asp.asp'"ASP PROGRAMMING
.."location.href='/Public/a2/company.asp'"COMPANY PROFILE .."location.href='/Public/a2/company_port.asp'"PORTFOLIO
.."className='sub-menu'"COMPANY PROFILE
From its foundation in January 2000, has expanded to supply complete information technology solutions. supplies a full range of services, including the installation of networks, supply of hardware and software design. These services enable organisations to increase their operational efficiency quickly and easily, transforming expensive and time consuming paper-based processes into cutting-edge digital solutions.
We have recently moved into new premises in the refurbished India Mill Centre, in Darwen, Lancashire, based in the heart of the northwest. Having our own 24/7 Internet connection we can now offer co-location services as well as normal web site hosting. We offer:
    Web design and hosting for your business. --liDomain name registration. Search engine registration. Site maintenance and updates. Interactive sites. Software and hardware maintenance. Application and software design and development. --liCo-located servers. Training services. Intranet and network set-up. --liProject management.
Full storyboard planning is produced before starting any project.
Initial consultancy is free - why not contact us?
If you have an IT problem then make it our problem!
Copyright © 2003

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