Treasure. profile picture



About Me

I'm Rhiana.Click Click BOOM! Just As Soon As We Hit The Room. You Can Hear Them Holla Goon Squad In This Bitch. . Let Me Hear You Holla Goon Squad In This Bitch. ----------I Hate---------- Liars & Cheaters. Feet. Not Getting Enough Sleep. Unreliable People. HARD BOILED EGGS. Drug Addicts. Running Out Of Petrol. Yogi. Not Having Power Steering. Fat People. Ugly People. Red Knobs. Bad Food. Tea Breath. When I Need To Wee. Bacon/Ham/Pork/Lamb. Brussel Sprouts. Skinny, Ratty Sluts. My Nose. When Bad Singers Sing. My Ex. Having Small Breasts. BBQ Sauce. You. ----------I Love---------- Beer Batter Chips. Beer. Pink Champagne. Bronze Champion Rollies. The Colour GOLD. My Beautiful Guinea Pig. Adam Badman. Rain. Laughing Till I Ache. Pancakes. Dancing Badly. Singing In The Shower. Having Full Petrol. Being Pampered. Being Told I Have Nice Eyes. Coke. My Star Jacket. Being In A Silly Mood. Bagging Ugly People. When I'm Truely Happy. Eating Like A Pig. My Mother. SMS-ing. You.I Wish I Was IndieComment Me Below. body { text-align:center; background-color:FFFFCC; } table, td {background:transparent; border:0px;} table table table {background-color:FFFFFF;} table table table { border-width:1px; border-color:99FFFF; border-style:solid; padding:1px; } table table table table { border:0px; } td, span, div, input, a, table td div div font, body div table tbody tr td font {font-family:Arial, sans-serif !important;} td, span, div, input, table td div div font, body div table tbody tr td font {color:CC00FF !important;} .nametext, .whitetext12, .lightbluetext8, .orangetext15, .blacktext12, .redtext, .redbtext, .blacktext10 {color:FF66FF !important;} a {color:CC00FF !important; text-decoration:none !important; text-transform:none !important; font-weight:normal !important; font-style:normal !important;} a:hover {color:000000 !important; text-decoration:none !important; text-transform:none !important; font-weight:normal !important; font-style:normal !important;} img {border:0px;} .text {align:left} input {background-color:transparent !important;}
Sex Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I've Already Met The Best Person In The World.Have You Got Any Drink?


----------Music---------- Eminem Missy Elliot Dr Dre 112 ABC The Academy Is American Hi-Fi Aqua Avril Lavigne Backstreet Boys Basement Jaxx The Beatles Fort Minor Beyonce B.R.M.C. Blondie Brand New Busta Rhymes Chingy Ciara David Bowie The Dandy Warhols The Darkness Dashboard Confessional Fatboy Slim Finch Foo Fighters Freeform Five Genuine George The Getaway Plan Good Charlotte Grinspoon HANSON HANSON HANSON Hilary Duff Hot Hot Heat Imogen Heap Jay Z Jimmy Eat World Justin Timberlake Kelis The Kinks Kelly Clarkson La Bouche Led Zeppelin Libido Airbag Little Birdy M.I.A. Machine Gun Fellatio Magic Dirt Mariah Carey Marilyn Manson McLusky Merril Bainbridge Michael Jackson Missy Higgins Muse My Chemical Romance N*sync Nada Surf Naz New Found Glory Nirvana No Doubt Ok Go Oasis P.O.D Pacifier Panic At The Disco Papa Roach Pearl Jam Peter Andre Phantom Planet Placebo The Presidents Of The USA Prodigy Puddle Of Mudd Puff Daddy Ricky Gervais Right Said Fred Salt & Pepper Scribe Senses Fail Sia Silverchair Sisqo Simple Plan Something Corperate The Spice Girls Stereophonics Stevie Wonder The Streets Suede Taking Back Sunday Thirty Five Hours Two Up The Used Vanilla Ice The Vines Was Not Was Will Smith Wolfmother Yellowcard


---------Movies---------- Labyrinth Hook The Goonies Tommy Labyrinth Idle Hands Finding Nemo Jay And Silent Bob Labyrinth American History X Family Guy Movie Rocy Horror Picture Show My Home Made Porn


------------Telly----------- The Office The Extras The Biggest Loser Friends Will & Grace Neighbours Oprah Law & Order E News Judge Judy Family Guy American Dad Peep Show


I Heart These People♥ Badman. ♥ Jaimee. ♥ Alex ♥ Caitlin. ♥ Natalija.

My Blog


For months I've been an idiot. I'v believed a lying, cheating sack of shit. And I hate that that person had the abilty to bring me down to the level of a stupid girl. I have issues with trusting peopl...
Posted by Rhi-Gay. on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 05:44:00 PST